Friday, July 31, 2009

Organic Now Readily Available!!

HUGE NEWSFLASH!!!! In an effort to become more responsible in my diet (and other areas of my life), I went to Superstore last week because of a rumour that they gained an incredible ORGANIC SECTION!!!! I often struggle to afford the high prices of organic markets, as organic foods have become a great "specialty" item that one must search for to pay large sums of money to purchase. Lately though... there has been a shift...

A GREAT SHIFT!! Awareness of the harmful practices that non-organic food companies do to process their food for consumers has been hightened, and to no avail, several companies have taken this responsibility into their own hands, and have made an effort to create products that are organically and responsibly processed before they are made available to consumers. There has been a great outpour of organic foods snuck in between other foods in regular superstores, allowing consumers to make better decisions when shopping!

As I entered into the organic food section of Superstore, I almost screamed and shouted out loud because of my excitement! What an incredible movement! For those of you who are not familiar with Superstore, it is a massive grocery store that even has it's own fashion clothing line (Joe, an extension of the Club Monaco company). This store is known for it's very low prices compared to other grocers, and for its selection of food from a variety of nations. Now.... it can also be known for its incredible organic section! I know that stores such as Safeway and Co-op also have organic sections, but the foods in those sections are usually overpriced and not affordable to the average consumer. Superstore has actually made something available to the averae consumer that nobody has before. No longer do we have to shop at specialty stores for organic products for ourselves and our children, because we can make better choices in the comfort of our own regular grocery stores! And if we continue supporting this cause... it may facilitate a great shift in our society... organic may become the norm... let's support this movement!

Moving toward an organic lifestyle,

Chanel and Heather

Monday, July 27, 2009

Search out

Note: Posts will become more frequent in September when summer holidays are over! We will be posting 2 times per week until then! Thanks for your support and your care for the environment!

So you get married and now you are going on a honeymoon... even if you are not at that stage yet or if you have gone through this process a very long time ago, travelling is something that many of us don't think about as harmful to the environment! Flying, along with all of the other luxuries that many people tend to enjoy (even down to the tiny boxes of cereal eaten while camping) that have a great effect on the amount of waste on earth. There have been many magazines and travel agencies that have emerged lately that focus on travelling responsibly in an effort for us to give attention to sustainable lifestyles. It's called: "ECOTOURISM." When you are planning your next "getaway," think RESPONSIBLE

Here are a few simple tips to follow when considering a trip:

1. When shopping for "convenient" foods and nic-nacs to make your trip more enjoyable, think about the waste that you will be creating. I know a lot of people say "oh it's only for this one time..." but if everyone says that, we have got a problem on our hands! OS hink responsibly, for example, instead of downing bottled water (Which isn't very good for you anyway because of the plastic leaching into the water :P), pack your own waterbottles and if you have room, buy a large 5 gallon water container to store in your hotel room/wherever you are, and fill up your leach-free water bottles daily! This doesn't require much more time, and saves a lot of $moola$ and waste! If you absolutely CAN'T do this, at least make an effort to recycle your waterbottles and other recyclable things.

2. Don't abandon recycling! It is a powerful tool meant to be used, even when vacationing!

3. Do what you can to watch what you consume during your trip. Snacks can be pre-packed, etc.

These tips save not only the environment, but also your cash wallet. The money you save can go to actually enjoying more events and things on your trip... so go ahead... there's no downside! And by being prepared for your trip by thinking about these things in dvance, you are not spending your vacation searching for convenient things (because they are not always creadily available), but your time is also freed up to enjoy more of your trip stress-free!

So as we travel to see this amazing place we call home, preserve and protect the earth for others to enjoy as well!

All travel should be ECO-TRAVEL!

Honeymoon away!

Chanel and Heather

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wedding Lists

Ok so NOW that you’ve tried to borrow, borrow, borrow… before you buy, I’m sure you’ve started to accumulate a LIST of what it is that needs to be done…. The Bride’s TO DO list! SO here are a few tips on how you can CHANGE some of the things on your list to make them more Friendly/Cost effective!

12 months in advance list: (hypothetically… but really this COULD be done much quicker)

Select a wedding date. (Perhaps discuss a date which is NOT on the busy days that are booked up or expensive?!)

Determine number of guests. (Who REALLY needs to be there?... YOU, the GROOM and the minister…. and hey anyone else it a bonus, but think wisely, do you KNOW everyone you’re inviting? Does the number of people MAKE the day for you? It sure might, but think about it first!)

Choose your wedding attendants. ( One thing to think about is that being IN a wedding in $$$ to, so think wisely, are there ways you can HELP you attendants by cutting costs? Discount dresses, having only ONE shower or party, etc.)

Reserve reception site and hotels (Think outside the BOX, Halls and Hotels are $$$ and often make attendants feel obligated to stay in your venue site or the pricy hotel you’ve reserved… For the Reception site what hasen’t been DONE that could make it just as exciting but perhaps cut costs, perhaps you know a GREAT park? Cabin? etc. and provide your guests with a list of alternative accommodation options that are competitive pricing)

Book caterer (there are MANNNNy fantastic food services out there however think LOCAL if possible. Perhaps there is someone you buy your weekly goods from at the farmers market who can help. Fresh local dishes are a pleasant treat to the traditional $25 a head meals you get a hotels, etc.

Select and reserve your wedding Photographer, Videographer, Musician etc. (For many people the capturing of this day and the music in it are VERY important to them… and if this is the case for you, great… but for others, just a few great photo’s and CD’s filled with YOUR favorite songs is enough… so where do you fall… can you make compromises? Perhaps check out the local camera club for an amateur photographer who would be significantly cheaper and yet EAGER to photograph your wedding.)

Start to look for your wedding gown. (Well if you haven’t BORROWED one yet how about checking out your local Salvation Army first, REALLY…. Yes, yes many are NOT so great but other’s can be altered and made WONDERFUL…. Heather bought her dress for $75 at Salvation army and had a friend do silk-screening on the bottom to make it hers! Ta da! Another option is go out and think LOCAL, perhaps there is a new and eager designer in your area who would love the opportunity to make your dress… OR check out the discount bridal stores online (you can try the dress on in stores and order online, Chanel ordered hers online and it came wonderfully packaged and she hired a local seamstress to alter the bits and pieces! Go early and find some great deals you can SNAG!)

Plan your wedding color scheme. (all I can say is think about what colors ARE available… eg. My friend chose Navy… well let’s just say she spent a small fortune trying to get everything she needed in Navy)

Stay tuned for more list's and tip's coming your way!

Heather and Chanel

Friday, July 17, 2009

Take Inventory! BORROW!!!

Ok, so we have all had tones of friends and family weddings we've attended over the years and now it's your turn/or lol... perhaps someone you know. YAAAA Wedding!
So in order to make this a wedding you will never forget, but NOT because the looming credit card bill, here are a few tips to help you get going on the right path...
First things first, take inventory, borrowing items for your wedding can be a huge cost cutter. Call or e-mail your friends and family to see what everyone has... ie. Vases, Candle holders, Linens, Cake Knife etc.

The fact is MANY brides and grooms often end up buying some of if not all of their tableware and are left with boxes of them, so go on and ASK... all they can say is no right, however I'm sure most are eager to get rid of or at least lend them out!

Also, take the SOMETHING BORROWED concept into the bigger items, perhaps borrow your mother's veil or the pearl necklace your friend bought for her wedding... or if you are so bold, someone elses wedding dress? A friend, your mother's or a second hand one?

Be bold, get out there and ask away, cross some of that stuff off your list, and think
"Can I Borrow that?"... before you go out and BUY BUY BUY!

Heather and Chanel

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Topic!

We're back! Sorry about the gap in posts... it's wedding season as we all know (we wish the weather knew that)!

So speaking of wedding season... we will be leaving sustainable energy sources for the time being (don't forget about it!) even though we will be updating you on the changes in energy usage that we will be doing in our lives, and we will be looking to planning environmentally responsible and beautifully orchestrated weddings!

Everyone knows that there are an infinite amount of permutations and choices that can be chosen to pull off one's "dreamy day," and we'll be discussing ways that this day can be pulled off while also respecting the environment!

Stay tuned for the next couple of weeks while we delve into this topic!

Wedding Belles,

Chanel and Heather

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Go Geothermal Saskatchewan!

This post will be Saskatchewan specific, but if you’re from another province or state, check with your energy provider to see what their protocol is!

Ok so FIRST… here is a quick re-cap on what Geothermal Energy IS...
is energy that can be produced by extracting the earth's internal heat.

“Ok, sweet… now how do WE in Saskatchewan harness the Geothermal Energy... ?”

By using a Ground Source Heat Pump - a central heating and/or air conditioning system that actively pumps heat to or from the ground. It uses the earth as either a source of heat in winter or as a coolant in the summer!

“Awesome, I want it soooo now what?...”

-In order to install Geothermal Heating in your home or community we must first consulting with a contractor, as your geothermal system must be designed and installed by qualified professional.

-There are a number of venders in the province who will sell you small-scale environmentally friendly electricity systems, however SaskPower working is working with the Canadian Geothermal Coalition (CGC) to promote Geothermal and accredit installers and drillers – to make sure the ground source heat instalments are safe and up to SaskPowers standards. So check into them first perhaps?!

…. And don’t forget in support of the province's Go GREEN PLAN, SaskPower has loan plans ($1,000 to $50,000 ) and rebate program (15% rebate) in place to provide Saskatchewan residents and business owner’s financial support for setting up their geothermal heating systems.

“NICE…. Sign me up”…

- But before you get toooooooooo excited the contractor may require a feasibility study to be done to ensure your building site/home location is suitable for geothermal heating.

- The total installed cost of earth-energy systems varies according to site-specific conditions, but can be up to twice the cost of a gas, electric, or oil furnace with add-on air conditioning. However, the initial installation cost should be recovered through energy cost savings within five to seven years dependent upon the system. But don’t forget the incentives being offered by SaskPower!!!!

“Yaaaaaaaaaa, I’m riding the geo train everyone join in”

If you have any further questions don't hesitate to pick up the phone and call SaskPower!

Think about it!

Heather & Chanel

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's windy out there....

It's windy out there.... so let's use it to our advantage! Harnessing wind energy (which is SO common in Saskatchewan and many other places in North America) is a great way to power your home!

This post will be Saskatchewan specific, but if you are from another province or state, check with your energy provider to see what their protocol is!

SaskPower is promoting the installation of windmills! This is a great initiative by SaskPower, and I recently looked a little deeper into it in order to gain some more insight into the pro's and con's of PRACTICALLY IMPLEMENTING this type of energy into my life... and to pass that information on to you!

SO here's the scoop if you want wind power and still want "back-up" energy from SaskPower (the major power provider in Saskatchewan for those that are unfamiliar with this- SaskPower is a crown corporation, owned and operated by the government):

1. You must have a meter from SaskPower

2. SaskPower will come out and give you permission to set up a windmill

3. You must find a provider or distributor of windmills in your area (BEWARE: You must choose a trusted provider to ensure a good quality windmill is set up that will actually generate a significant amount of energy for your use~ we have heard of a situation where a couple went through the entire process of setting a windmill up and getting it approved, hooing it up to the grid, etc. and in the end the power generated only enough energy for the woman to run her HAIR DRYER everyday! So moral of the story: check it out and ensure that the windmill will provide you with the amount of enery you desire or need)

4. Once the windmill is installed, the windmill provider will help you apply for grants offered by the government and Research Councils, and these grants, as mentioned previously, can be quite a significant financial aid!

5. SaskPower will then come and connect the windmill to the meter and all of the power produced will be harnessed through the "grid", or SaskPower lines. Whatever power you do not use throughout the day/month will be carried over on your bill for cases when you use more power than you generate

6. Note: Every year SaskPower will set your banked energy back to zero, and you are never directly PAID in dollars for the power you generate and don't use!

7. If you use and equal or less amount of power than you generate, you will never pay for power, and this can be accomplished in MANY cases! Therefore in long run.... you save major moola!

Note: this research was done solely for personal use, and there are other options for larger wind producers, so check them out if you are interested!

Fòr more information on this topic, you can visit:

Sincerely, Chanel and Heather

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Today is a good day to talk about how we can practically implement the sustainable energy sources that we have been discussing throughout the past couple of weeks. We now know more about the different types of energy we could be using and their strengths and weaknesses, and now we want to delve further onto the topic of: HOW?? How can we, as citizens in this society, use these forms of energy effectively in our lives? At first, the answer to that question may be: "I can't, I am hooked up to the grid and I HAVE to use power and natural gas as my only energy source"... well the green girls are here, yet again, to tell you to THINK AGAIN! As always in our little world, there are plenty of things you can do, and we are here to help!

So strap on some open-mindedness and come along for the ride!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Happy Canada Day (yesterday :P) to all of our viewers, even if you're not from Canada!

We are truly enjoying the beauty, peace, and freedom that we call Canada (HOME!). We are Blessed to be at our lakes this week with our families, and we are incredibly grateful for the company in which we are able to surround ourselves and the summer season that has just arrived (literally just arrived...)!!

I (Chanel) was walking along the beach with some friends, and we were all in awe of a helicopter overhead... my mom quickly recognized how we are so incredibly Blessed and fortunate to be able to be in awe of a helicopter in this country instead of fearfilled, wondering what it's purpose truly is... think about the freedom we enjoy and take advantage of, the next time you are walking in the street, playing in the park, driving or riding your bike to work, and enjoying a meal with family or friends. For this is a beautiful privilege that we have here!

Soak up the rays of sunshine and the peaceful country that we call home and sing our country's anthem!! Don't only be proud, but also be grateful!

Note from Chanel: These words of wisdom came from my mom, Nicole, who continues to teach and enlighten me everyday!! Thank you!


Chanel and Heather