Sunday, July 5, 2009


Today is a good day to talk about how we can practically implement the sustainable energy sources that we have been discussing throughout the past couple of weeks. We now know more about the different types of energy we could be using and their strengths and weaknesses, and now we want to delve further onto the topic of: HOW?? How can we, as citizens in this society, use these forms of energy effectively in our lives? At first, the answer to that question may be: "I can't, I am hooked up to the grid and I HAVE to use power and natural gas as my only energy source"... well the green girls are here, yet again, to tell you to THINK AGAIN! As always in our little world, there are plenty of things you can do, and we are here to help!

So strap on some open-mindedness and come along for the ride!

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