Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why arn't Dandelions cooool!?

OK, so all I can say is that over this past summer I have MORE Dandelions in my yard than I have GRASS! No jokes!
And it is really hard because in our society many people want a lawn which is completely free of weeds, including dandelions. And the thing is... I don't want to just go out and Kill-Ex them all because well... YUK, it's bad for my family, it's bad for the environment, and it's bad for ALL (Saskatchewan has the highest rate of acute pesticide poisoning fatalities in Canada) YIKES!

I know, I know, everyone says get down on your hands and knee's and pull... pull... pull.... But I am serious when I say there is more Dandelions then grass... lol!
So what can I do???

Well I have hit the net to find some new ideas on how I can combat these yellow prairie weeds and here's what I came up with:

- One of the best defense against dandelions is a healthy lawn, since "a properly maintained lawn" is less susceptible to weeds, insects, and diseases.
- Avoid over watering; watering deeply and infrequently will build deeper roots
- When dandelions are blooming, mow frequently to prevent the yellow blossoms from maturing into seeds
- Dandelion plants can't be eliminated by yanking off the tops, but they are easily dug out by hand (uggg)
- As a low tech weed control, pour boiling water over dandelion plants. The neighbors might think you're crazy, but in 2 or 3 days the plants will look like a herd of elephants walked over them
- Since light increases germination and plants need sunlight for photosynthesis, smothering plants will eventually kill them. Make your own weed block by covering plants with cardboard or black plastic and weight it down
- A 5-percent concentration of vinegar, similar to that found in household vinegar, is an effective weed killer against annual and perennial weeds such as dandelions, foxtail, velvetleaf, smooth pigweed and thistle
- Apply Corn Gluten Meal (CGM), a yellow powder created as a by-product of milling corn. t is best applied to the lawn about 4 to 6 weeks before weeds germinate
- Some consider it a last resort, but a weed burner torch is effective against dandelions and other perennial weeds

OK, ok... so perhaps I will try some of these or perhaps I will take on the modo "Too much of a good thing is wonderful" and embrace the dandelions LOL...

And upon further research I came across many websites praising the Yellow weeds and their benefits to your yard, the environment and your health... perhaps I will make a sign and put it on my lawn so people KNOW dandelions are coooool! I don't think my neighbours will appreciate it however, lol!

Benefits of Dandelions:
- Dandelions can be beneficial to a garden ecosystem as well as to human health. Dandelions attract beneficial ladybugs and provide early spring pollen for their food. In a study done at the University of Wisconsin, experimental plots with dandelions had more ladybugs than dandelion free plots, and fewer pest aphids, a favorite food of the ladybugs
- Dandelions long roots aerate the soil and enable the plant to accumulate minerals, which are added to the soil when the plant dies
- Not only are dandelions good for your soil, they are good for your health. A serving of uncooked dandelion leaves contains 280 percent of an adults daily requirement of beta carotene as well as more than half the requirement of vitamin C. Dandelions are also rich in vitamin A... Who Knew?
- Dandelions are also used as herbal remedies. The white sap from the stem and root is used as a topical remedy for warts. The whole plant is used as a diuretic and liver stimulant

So what's your thoughts on Dandelions, do you try to get rid of them at all cost? Or have you embraced them? Any other home remedy tricks you have for us to add to the list?

Let us know...

Dandelion Divas,
Heather and Chanel

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