Some of you may have heard about the 100 Mile Diet and perhaps others of you have NOT….
What is the 100 Mile Challenge?
Exactly what it sounds like: you challenge yourself to eat only foods grown, produced and sold within 100 miles of your home. Anywhere from a week to a year... the length of the challenge is up to you.
Who thought of this brilliant challenge?
Back in 2005 Alisa Smith & James MacKinnon (the authors of The 100 Mile Diet) learned that the average ingredient in a North American meal travels 1500 miles from the farm to our plate and it shocked them. They came up with the idea to eat locally for a year – to eat products grown only within 100 miles of their home. No sugar, no olive oil, no beer…
For the authors, this diet turned into a new lifestyle for them. This experiment also spoke to many, many people across the world. Popularity and the knowledge contained in this book spread quickly through the media, blogs and through word of mouth.
Soooo, if you haven’t already heard from another blog, media, or heard about it from a friend… NOW YOU HAVE! And what a great idea it is!
Yes it can definitely be a daunting task, and not for the faint or heart… hey it takes time to find local food sources… But that raises an interesting questions in itself, about how we’re spending our time. What if we spent more time on self-sufficiency and less time at the office or watching TV?
OK, so this is a big challenge if you choose to accept it, and the fact is I am not fully there myself yet, however upon checking out the website… I saw the idea of doing a 100 Mile Thanksgiving Dinner Challenge… GREAT IDEA! Thanksgiving
Every year, more and more people are celebrating a 100 Mile Thanksgiving because it just makes sense. Together we’re taking the harvest celebration back to its roots: fresh, local, seasonal food. Since we started our campaign in 2006, tens of thousands of people across the continent have celebrated—the old-fashioned way.
So check out the website ( read the book (The 100 Mile Diet), become inspired and think about starting with something like the 100 Mile Thanksgiving Dinner?!
For those of you in Saskatoon great sources can be found right at your finger tips, The Farmers Market, ask around to friends, local health food stores etc. to find a local poultry farmers, Eat from YOUR garden and Saskatoon based “Wild Serendipity” ( even offers a cooking class on the 100 Mile Diet to get ya going, I’ve done it and it’s GREAT!
100 Mile Missioners
Heather and Chanel
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