Saturday, January 10, 2009

25 000,000,000 Styrofoam cups!... ugg

As coffee and tea junkies, we continually find ourselves consuming Styrofoam and plastic cups when going for coffee. We are the first to admit that we are not always ready to hand over our travel mugs to be filled with the deliciously sweet nectar that we find ourselves so addicted to! We calculated the amount of Styrofoam, paper, and plastic cups that we use on average per week, and the shameful number we came up with: at least 20 per week! Yiiiiikes! We are only 2 of the millions of people who pick up coffee-to-go on a daily basis!

Our commitment this week: to carry our travel mugs with us to Starbucks and Timmy’s. We figure it won’t be that difficult, but it will have a HUGE impact in the end. Join us during this experience as we try to improve our lifestyles one step at a time. Fighting our footprint!

Fact: Every year Canadians throw away 25, 000,000,000 styrofoam cups, enough every year to circle the earth 436 times!

Unbelievable! Canada alone! Let’s make a change!

Heather and Chanel

1 comment:

  1. Ironic.... I thought about this when we met on Friday Chanel. Next time (hopefully soon), our own beautiful mugs.

    Je vous aime
    Dominique :)
