Monday, June 29, 2009


Energy from the force of moving water???? Really?? WOW!! This ancient form of energy production has been useful in a plethora of countries throughout the past.

Here is the process: there are a tonnnnne of different ways to generate energy from water, from using waterwheels to hydroelectricity (dams, river constructs) to wave (or tidal) energy. These forms of energy are very environmentally friendly and leave a significantly less footprint on our earth; however they also generally require space in water bodies and can disrupt vegetation and wildlife in these environments. This needs to be heavily considered before building and using as a source of viable energy! There are now "damless" hydroelectricity energy constructs, and they claim to use wave and current energy without requiring the structure of a dam. This protects fish and other living vegetation and species in a body of water while still producing electricity! According to the infamous Wikipedia, hydroelectricity powers approximately 19% of the world's energy! That's a good thing,.... but also disrupts a lot of natural habitats...

In practicality for personal use we don't think that it would be the best choice for "green" power, but as every field is progressing through science and eperimentation, hydroelectricity has come a long way, and is becoming less invasive to natural habitats and also, like all other natural energy sources, becoming more dependable, consistent, and practical to help us keep living the standard of life that we are used to while protecting Mother Earth! Consider it!

Water Waders,
Chanel and Heather

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Solar power is totally by far the earth's most available energy source: especially in Saskatchewan!!
The sun provides energy for plants and for us! We need to use the sun's full potential by harnessing this type of energy for our use!
This 100% sustainable and abundant energy resource has not been fully realized or utilized by our society as of yet... but have faith... we will get there!!


Solar power has evolved, like other sustainable energy resources, and it is now able to be stored to generate electricity at will (ie. when the sun goes down.... you can read at night and your food will stay cold!)!! We must clean our mental slate of preconceptions and learn about all of the developments and innovations that have made these sustainable energy sources practical and available!

One thing to think about: We pay monthly for our power, natural gas, etc. with little or no installation fees... for example, let's say for 10 years your power and natural gas bill is 250$. In 10 years you will have paid 30,000$ for your power and natural gas use.... PLUS the energy that was consumed was NOT renewable or sustainable (contributing to pollution, etc.- if you care about that, not all people do!).

Ok, to set up a geothermal energy system (replaces natural gas) it costs approximately 15,000$ and depending on the wind/solar power that you choose or need it costs approximately 17,000$. So in a little over 10 years.... you will have paid for a lifetimes worth of power and energy.... BUT WAIT!!!! There's more!! The crown cororations of Saskatchewan have incentives (if you need even more of an incentive to consider this type of energy!!) that give you grants for installing this type of energy!! Up to 10,000$ per building!! That means that in under 6 years, your power sources will be covered, NO MONTHLY BILLS!! PLUS they have loan programs with low interest to help cover the initial cost!!!! COULD IT GET ANY BETTER????

PLUS you didn't increase the footprint you leave on the earth by using non-renewable resources for power!!

In addition..... the power that you don't use will be "sold" back to the power company and you will be given credits for the power that you didn't use for next month!

Consider using that big ball of sun love up in the sky when you build or renovate!

Visit or for more details on these great programs!

For a little breakdown on how solar power works in our home check out

Sunny savies,

Chanel and Heather!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Geothermal... sounds scientific!

The word geothermal (origination from the greek words earth and heat) sounds like a scientific word that is not known to the common person..... but it is quite Amazing! Geothermal energy is a simply fusion of the words earth and heat, meaning to heat from the earth!

This form of energy is just emerging as a practical, reliable, affordable, sustainable and a 100% NON-POLLUTING form of heating and cooling. Its principles are actually quite simple, and the process of acquiring geothermal energy as an energy source have become much more common throughout the past few years (even in Saskatoon there are several companies that specialize in providing this type of energy, for your home, business etc.)!!!!

Here are the specifics in terms we understand:

  • The intensity of the thermal energy in the earth increases with depth- ie. the temperature of the Earth increases as we travel closer to its centre. A global average for Earth’s geothermal temperature increase with depth is approximately 30°C/km. Earth contains an incredibly vast and abundant amount of thermal energy.
  • Sources like nuclear, coal and natural gas use different processes (i.e. radioactive decay, combustion) to heat water into steam, which is run through a turbine to generate electricity. Geothermal energy uses the escaping heat from Earth’s core as a means to heat water and produce electricity. By drilling deep into the Earth’s interior, we find temperatures suitably high to produce electricity.
  • Sometimes when we drill deep, there is hot water where the rock is porous (has space for fluids). In this case, we can extract the water from that place in the earth and, using specialized equipment, use it to produce electricity. If there is no water, but the rocks are very hot where drilling is happening, it is possible to inject water to create an enhanced geothermal system (EGS) and heat water where it did not exist before. By using Earth’s thermal energy to heat water instead of processes with harmful by-products like coal and nuclear, geothermal energy can produce clean, reliable electricity as long as heat continues to seep from Earth’s interior (as it has for 4.5 billion years). Further, it is sustainable power because once we have extracted the thermal energy from the water or steam, it can be continuously re-injected deep underground to obtain more geothermal heat.

Great video

This is a simple introduction to yet another form of SUSTAINABLE, RELIABLE & 100% NON-POLLUTING energy that is a great alternative to other more harmful energy sources in our environment. Think about it!

Green beans, Chanel and Heather

Monday, June 22, 2009

Windy windy windy...

Hey there! So keep the free wall idea in the back of your minds... and open them to WIND POWER!!

Wind power has come a lonnnng way since it first originated.... a lonnnnng time ago! Let's track back to the concept of getting power to light our homes from wind itself. This power is unbelievably renewable and completely sustainable (ESPECIALLY IN SASKATCHEWAN!!), with the new turbine systems that produce power more effectively from wind sources. In addition, NO GREENHOUSE GASES are produced throughout this process.... it make me think... when did we decide to dig into the earth for a resource that pollutes the air, requires a HUGELY COMPLICATED extraction and cleansing system, and is not renewable and become soooo dependent on it so that we can't live without it???? When we have such simple and clean answers?? Honestly.. it's time we change our paradigms and think about the repercussions of our lifestyles beyond our immediate reality.

SaskPower is promoting wind generated energy, and when you trench a line on a piece of land, you have the option of adding a wind mill connected to the power lines. Whatever energy this wind mill produces and you don't use, SaskPower will buy it off from you. So not only are you receiving your power for FREE, but you also GET PAID FOR IT!!!! Exciting!!

With wind power becoming ever so popular again, it has also become more affordable, and there are government incentices to promote the installation and use of them across the province of Saskatchewan... check it out!

Sincerely, Chanel and Heather

Friday, June 19, 2009

What's your Beef?

Perhaps some of you have seen this Fence while out strolling in the Broadway area, or perhaps in the Starpheonix paper a little while back, however, if you have NOT well then you are in for an INTERESTING peak!

The pictures really say it all, however I believe what this fence is is the home owners attempt to give Saskatoon'ians a voice for all onlookers to see and ponder!
I think it can be very effective if used correctly and let's say not all the things on the fence are appropriate, however it can also create a negative effect!

So check it out, and let us know WHAT DO YOU THINK?
If you'd like to see it in person, it is on the corner (the south side) of 7th and Broadway.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Nuclear is Naughtier....

We had a difficult time deciding on whether we should post our opinion about nuclear energy, but then again we decided "it's our party, we can cry if we want to!" You are entitled to your opinion and we completely respect that!

Nuclear or Naughtier? We say not-ear. The government has an agenda that involves getting out of debt and making money, and for a population this small and with a geographic region so fruitfully wind-filled and sunny, there is NO reason that a nuclear power plant should be even considered in Saskatchewan. The repercussions are so significantly dangerous and destructive, and when we have other solutions as fruitful and without consequence such as wind, geothermal, and solar power.

With the list of pros and cons, you can make that judgement yourselves; however we felt that it was our social responsibility to inform you of the consequences of nuclear energy, and the huge repercussions of using this kind of energy when other, more natural forms are SO ABUNDANT in Saskatchewan are much too rampant! We will be providing you with information about wind power, solar energy, geothermal energy, and more in the upcoming blog entries... these are safe, reliable, and relatively inexpensive (verrry inexpensive in the long run!!!!). SO stay tuned!

Consider voicing your opinion and making your case known, as we cannot sit back and watch life develop, we must be active participants!

Nuclear is WAY TOO naughty for us,
Chanel and Heather

Friday, June 12, 2009

Nuclear or Not-ear?

Unless you're living under a rock (with uranium as your bed... in which case you should move AWAY from us because chances are you are HIGHLY radioactive)... You should know about the controversial nuclear power plant being proposed in Saskatchewan.

There is a HUGE list of pro's and con's to the use of nuclear power as an energy source. This will be forever debated and mulled over whether it is approved or not. As a society trying to find sustainable ways of living, nuclear power has been proposed as a possible solution. Whether it's the best solution or even an appropriate solution is in question, but it is being proposed as "A" solution.

Public forums have been held across Saskatchewan, and continue to be held, and the government is surely on board (read the news, listen to their program... definitely on board). You have doooo voice, so get informed and use it. If you want to know more, do your research. If you don't care, don't! But if things go to h*** in a handbasket, you can't be upset, because you didn't at least try to. It is up to YOU AND ONLY YOU. We know most of you are cringing at us in this moment, thinking "another thing to add? "These girls have got to be kidding! We have children to feed, soccer to play, life to live!" But as our timeless theory says: add by subtraction. You make your priorities, so make them!

Soooo through our research, we have compiled a list of pro's and con's (NOTE: these are not OUR pro's and con's, but they are those of the general public taken from the news and the internet. We did this to help make your research a little easier, so here it is:

-Uranium mines inevitably pollute their environment, tailings dams cause pollution through leakage.
-Uranium tailings retain almost all their radioactivity, which continues for hundreds of thousands of years.
-Uranium is potentially hazardous to miners' health.
-There is no safe level of radiation exposure.
-Nuclear wastes (as, or in, spent fuel) are an unresolved problem.
-The nuclear industry is responsible for horrific wastes which will endure as a nightmare for our grandchildren.
-Nuclear reactors are unsafe, Chernobyl was typical, and resulted in a huge death toll.
-Nuclear reactors are vulnerable to terrorist attacks like that on the World Trade Centre in 2001, waste and spent fuel storage is even more so.
-Insurance companies will not insure nuclear reactors so the risk devolves on to government.
-Nuclear power enjoys massive government subsidies.
-In the whole fuel cycle, nuclear power uses nearly as much energy as it produces.
-Transport of uranium and other radioactive material is hazardous.
-Reprocessing spent fuel gives rise to plutonium which is likely to be used in bombs.
-Mining Australian/Canadian uranium contributes to nuclear weapons proliferation.
-We cannot be sure that our uranium does not end up in weapons, eg in France or China.
-Nuclear energy makes only a trivial contribution to world energy needs.
-The capital costs of nuclear power are massive. The unsupportable debt created by Canada's Candu reactors has already surpassed $10-billion, not including additional billions hidden in the federal debt after decades of public subsidy.
-The consequences of an accident would be absolutely devastating both for human being as for in nature.
-Ideally, it could provide an alternative to the use of fossil fuels, especially coal-fired power plants that are high emitters of GHG and pollutants.
-Nuclear power generation does emit relatively low amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). The emissions of green house gases and therefore the contribution of nuclear power plants to global warming is therefore relatively little.
-This technology is readily available, it does not have to be developed first.
-It is possible to generate a high amount of electrical energy in one single plant.

Think about it, Nuclear or Not-ear?

Chanel & Heather

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Natural energy?? Yah right... sounds complicated

Legal Disclaimer: note that this is a passionate entry, not for the faint of heart.

Wind power, geothermal energy, nuclear energy, solar energy.... these terms sounds so foreign, complicated, expensive, and scary.... think about it. THESE terms seem complicated????? Not a bit compared to non-renewable resources being dug from the earth and burned for energy... an EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF ENERGY.
Turning off our lights when we leave the room, unplugging our appliances when not being used, dimming our lights, blah blah blah... should not be something only "environmentally concerned" people do, but that our entire society does! The repercussions of the daily selfish, excessive, and ignorant things that are considered normal in our society will soon be shockingly unveiled, and we feel that it should not take a huge event to change our lifestyles. We are supposedly the most intelligent beings ever to exist on this planet.... so let's be proactive here and ensure that we continue to be the "most intelligent" beings on this earth for years to come. Right now our actions are not reflecting this... let's do something about it. NOW!

Ok, so let's go back to the basics.... and we mean BASICS. Like using natural resources and living off the land. This is not something that only hippies or flower children have done in the past, but millions of generations of people have brought us to where we are today by living off of the land and by using natural resources. It is when we stop doing this that severe consequences will come in to play. We need to go back to the basics and use natural products and cleaners and materials and food and energy to live. If we don't, we will be out of resources and our world will be full of garbage (LITERALLY) within the next few generations.

For all of you loving friends and family, we are SOOOOO INCREDIBLY grateful that you read our blog. It seriously makes our hearts SING TO THE HEAVENS when you tell us you read our blog, and when we know that you support us in educating ourselves and others to make this world a better place.
However, you should not be reading this blog solely to support us, but to want to make this world a sustainable, livable place for yourself, your children and others!
That is why... we want you to read, and why we are sooo proud and glowing when you express interest in this blog. We love you, please keep supporting us AND making this world a better place by your presence.
That is our goal, instead of destroying life by this existence, let's make it better!
First Nations culture believe that we were the last creatures created by the Creator, and that we uniquely depend on ALL other life forms to survive (truth!), but none of those creatures depend on us. So ironically being the most intelligent creatures on this earth, let's use that to our advantage and create a world that supports other living creatures instead of destroying them because of "convenience."

"It's too expensive"

"It's too hard to do"

"I can't make a difference"

"I don't know where to start"

"I don't care as long as I am happy"


"Ignorance is bliss"

"It's too inconvenient"

These are all inexcusable. Let's lose the complacent attitude in this area of our lives and make some serious changes. This is not a cliche, but an incredibly important and meaningful statement: We CAN make a difference! There is NO excuse. Once you make a commitment to something, you can do anything. It's just like losing weight, eating healthy, quitting smoking, making a career change: you have to deeply change your perception and your way of thinking before any real change will happen. This happens slowly and requires a huge commitment. But what better thing to be committed to? Making your world a better place!

(available at "The Better Good" in Saskatoon)

Next stop: ENERGY.... let's go back to the basics and talk about a little wind + a little sun + a little water = ENERGY!! In it's purest and happiest form. Period.

Energy your way,

Chanel and Heather

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I must take a break from the cell phone inquiry for one minute because of a terribly disturbing documentary that aired on ABC tonight. If you missed it, you MUST see it.

This masterpiece is not based on "scare" tactics or "far-out theories", but truthful facts that enlighten it's audience to what is to come throughout the next 100 years if we continue living like this. UNBELIEVABLE. It's name: Earth 2100. Simple, truthful, terrifying.

Terrifying in that it shows us how we CAN sustain our economy and our society if we invest in the right things. Not tomorrow, not next week, not when we have children or more money or more time. Because we will never have enough of those... those are only pathetic excuses. Stop MAKING EXCUSES AND DO SOMETHING. This is my plea to our Westernized society. Please do something. It shouldn't take a major event like a tsunami, or even worse, a shortage of essential resources worldwide to realize that we must begin to live in symbiosis with our land instead of using and abusing our land. This sounds cliche and I understand that to some I may sound like a "flower power" hippie; however I cannot stress the importance of beginning to care for our environment and become aware of our effects on the natural world. The natural world that without money or technology or "power", makes all of the decisions in the end. No matter how hard we try, no matter how much research and technology and intelligence we have, we will never be able to combat the wrath of Mother Nature once she has been used up, dried up, littered and polluted. Never.

For more information on this incredible story and documentary, please visit or more specifically

I am sure this 2 hour episode will be posted on YouTube and be readily available on the internet as soon as this evening, so instead of watching ER and Grey's Anatomy reruns, consider checking it out. It is riveting and will captivate audiences of all ages and experiences.

Passionately and Sincerely,

I'm not a slave to my Cell Phone!

OK soooo, Yesterday I left my cell phone at home on purpose!
Yup, I did it! And it was weird, because on more then one occasion I reached into my bag to use it, but upon realizing it was not there, I also realized I didn't really NEED to make those phone calls, they were more just "convenience calls" as I call them, that I do when going from point A to B with some extra time!

Upon returning home I had several missed calls and text, a couple which were business (oops, yes it's my business phone too) and a few texts which read, "Where are you?", "Did you get my last text?" LOL.... haa haa!

I have realized I DOOOOO love the convenience of my phone however, for the most part the actual talking I do is "CHECK IN" Talking and texting with Friends and Family. It's not a bad thing but what did I USE TO to do? I guess I used to call everyone at night and catch up then?!

The other thing is I don't always LIKE being available ALLLL the time! And it's nothing against anyone calling, it's just when I'm getting groceries, or in the change room somewhere, or public bathroom etc. I don't exactly want to reach for my phone and begin a conversation, "Oh, Hi _______, I'm just in the change room at _________..." Lol, we've allllll heard that at one point or another!

So anyhow, YES my cell is still convenient, and Yes I dooo need to have it with me for business etc. however, I believe I will be turning down my phone a little more often and allowing some call's and texts to hit my inbox... I will return them, but MAYBE not within' 30 seconds!

Do you have any cell phone tactics which seem to work for you? Let us know!

I will not be a slave to my technology, lol!