Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Natural energy?? Yah right... sounds complicated

Legal Disclaimer: note that this is a passionate entry, not for the faint of heart.

Wind power, geothermal energy, nuclear energy, solar energy.... these terms sounds so foreign, complicated, expensive, and scary.... think about it. THESE terms seem complicated????? Not a bit compared to non-renewable resources being dug from the earth and burned for energy... an EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF ENERGY.
Turning off our lights when we leave the room, unplugging our appliances when not being used, dimming our lights, blah blah blah... should not be something only "environmentally concerned" people do, but that our entire society does! The repercussions of the daily selfish, excessive, and ignorant things that are considered normal in our society will soon be shockingly unveiled, and we feel that it should not take a huge event to change our lifestyles. We are supposedly the most intelligent beings ever to exist on this planet.... so let's be proactive here and ensure that we continue to be the "most intelligent" beings on this earth for years to come. Right now our actions are not reflecting this... let's do something about it. NOW!

Ok, so let's go back to the basics.... and we mean BASICS. Like using natural resources and living off the land. This is not something that only hippies or flower children have done in the past, but millions of generations of people have brought us to where we are today by living off of the land and by using natural resources. It is when we stop doing this that severe consequences will come in to play. We need to go back to the basics and use natural products and cleaners and materials and food and energy to live. If we don't, we will be out of resources and our world will be full of garbage (LITERALLY) within the next few generations.

For all of you loving friends and family, we are SOOOOO INCREDIBLY grateful that you read our blog. It seriously makes our hearts SING TO THE HEAVENS when you tell us you read our blog, and when we know that you support us in educating ourselves and others to make this world a better place.
However, you should not be reading this blog solely to support us, but to want to make this world a sustainable, livable place for yourself, your children and others!
That is why... we want you to read, and why we are sooo proud and glowing when you express interest in this blog. We love you, please keep supporting us AND making this world a better place by your presence.
That is our goal, instead of destroying life by this existence, let's make it better!
First Nations culture believe that we were the last creatures created by the Creator, and that we uniquely depend on ALL other life forms to survive (truth!), but none of those creatures depend on us. So ironically being the most intelligent creatures on this earth, let's use that to our advantage and create a world that supports other living creatures instead of destroying them because of "convenience."

"It's too expensive"

"It's too hard to do"

"I can't make a difference"

"I don't know where to start"

"I don't care as long as I am happy"


"Ignorance is bliss"

"It's too inconvenient"

These are all inexcusable. Let's lose the complacent attitude in this area of our lives and make some serious changes. This is not a cliche, but an incredibly important and meaningful statement: We CAN make a difference! There is NO excuse. Once you make a commitment to something, you can do anything. It's just like losing weight, eating healthy, quitting smoking, making a career change: you have to deeply change your perception and your way of thinking before any real change will happen. This happens slowly and requires a huge commitment. But what better thing to be committed to? Making your world a better place!

(available at "The Better Good" in Saskatoon)

Next stop: ENERGY.... let's go back to the basics and talk about a little wind + a little sun + a little water = ENERGY!! In it's purest and happiest form. Period.

Energy your way,

Chanel and Heather

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