Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Email us at between now and Sunday February 15th to tell us how you use and recycle (or not) plastics in your life, and our most loved entry will win a green-inspired gift!


  1. We are fortunate enough to have a township recycling program in our area.(started about 5 years ago) My family and I recycle everything we can. About 15 years ago, we started with newspapers and aluminum and of course we compost! That turned into glass, plastic containers, cardboard anything that food was in we started recycling. My mud room is always cluttered with recyclables and some of my family don't get how I can stand having it junk up my spaces but I guess they don't quite get it! I am always hoping they will jump on the 'train' and take the green ride with us.

  2. tooo true Cate, about how often it's our own family member who don't want to be bothered with the clutter etc. I know in our place we don't have a basement so all of our extra STUFF goes in the boot room... PLUS all the recycling! It definitely looks like a "junk yard" but hey... I'd rather my back room look like a junk yard for awhile than the recycling GOING to the dump.
    Thanks Cate,

  3. This one time, at band camp, I found a 2L plastic bottle. I picked it up, and rather than sticking it in my... garbage, I took it home. At home, I put a little dirt in it, and laid it on its side. Next I took some seeds, and planted them in the dirt. I put the bottle next to the window, and the seeds began to grow. Once the seeds had grown into plants, I transfered them to a pot. I started the process over again, and eventually had a nice little grow-op... I mean green-house in my living room. Now anytime I find a big clear plastic bottle, I take it home and add it to my green-house collection. In this way I am reusing the plastic and creating a more vibrant liveable space in my house. Yay!

  4. Hey ladies.. so i finally had a chance to read through your blog a bit today. When i came upon the recycling plastics I had several thoughts regarding my own choices. Curtis and I have easily switched to using reusable bags for groceries cutting down hugely on the amount of plastic bags we use from the store. I have also begun not taking bags when it's something I can carry to avoid taking a huge plastic bag for something I can easily carry in my huge monster purse :)
    The problem arises with this when we go to use what used to be there as grocery bags to be garbage bags. Then we find ourselves buying specific bags for garbage bags instead of potentially reusing the bags we would have from the grocery store.. what do we do about this?? any ideas. The next problem with plastic is the reality of making lunches that need to get into a backpack. the fact is, there is only so much room in a backpack and tupperware isn't always practical, smaller plastic bags and ziplocks seem to work so much better. But what about those ziplocks? you use them, try and wash them but you go through so many even with tryign to reuse them, and it's not like it's a cheap option either. I guess that's what I was thinking about and wondering if you guys had any practical solutions for us.

    The other thing is we are redoing our basement right now, we've put in low flow shower heads and taps, but is there anythign else we can do while buidling to make our suite more eco friendly.. for example lighting? because what's the deal with those new energy efficient light bulbs?

    Simone Mann
