Saturday, October 31, 2009

Guardians of BEING!

Oh my I have just been introduced to the New book by Eckhart Tolle (art by Patrick McDonnell) called “Guardians of Being”! This amazing story takes form as almost a children’s type book, however is for the young and old to enjoy. I just bought my first copy (I’m sure I will buy many more for gifts) and wanted to share just a few excerpts so you to will be intrigued to go and check it out…

Guardians of Being:

True happiness is found in simple,

seemingly unremarkable things.

But to be aware of little, quiet things,

you need to be quiet inside.

A high degree of alertness is required.

Be still. Look. Listen.

Be Present….

Look at a tree, a flower, a plant.

Let your awareness rest upon it.

How still it is, how deeply rooted in Being.

Allow nature to teach you stillness.

It is so wonderful to watch an animal,

because an animal has no opinion about itself.

It is.

That’s why the dog is so joyful

And why the cat purrs.

Most of us live in a world of

mental abstraction, conceptualization,

and image making – a world of thought.

we are immersed in a continuous stream

of mental noise. It seems that we can’t

stop thinking.

I have lived

with many

Zen masters,

All of them cats.

And so on…

It is a beautiful book and a great gift idea for someone who perhaps needs to

Be still. Look. Listen…. Be PRESENT! And for any animal lovers as it makes many comparisons with the natures or own common house pets and what we as humans can learn from their behaviors.

So pick it up from the Library, or head to the book store. The illustrations by Patrick McDonnell are amazing too!

Just Being,

Heather and Chanel

Thursday, October 29, 2009


As I was browing through a local magazine, The Neighbourhood Express, I came across an article of interest to this week's topic of food. So many people in our society struggle with the idea of food... food addictions, food allergies, overindulgence (especially when fall hits, the weather cools off, it becomes darker at night, and holiday season is upon us!)... all of these factors lead many of us to crawl up on our comfy couches and indulge in things that make us more COMFORTABLE. Food provides many of us with a level of comfort...
Today let's think: what ELSE in our lives could comfort us???? Are there more healthy outlets that we can be reaching to other than "comfort foods"? Seeing as comfort foods usually are not the healthiest choices, and they usually are eaten in larger quantities to relieve an emotional hole in our beings... lol... too deep? Too deep, most def. But here are a few tips to keeping the eating for the purpose as NOURISHMENT FOR OUR BODIES, from The Neighbourhood Express:

Fast eating- completely swallow each spoonful of food before lifting your spoon to get another spoonful- use smaller utensils- consciously take time to eat, chew, and saaaavour your food!-

Eat only while sitting in ONE area of your house- avoid eating in front of the tv- set 1 room for eating, and only eat in that room!

Take time to eat- sounds like too much work? Take time to eat, and see how it not only changes your eating habits for the better, but most likely your family life, and your perspective on life!

Chew gum while cooking!

Brush your teeth early at night to tell yourself that you are finished eating for the evening!

Some tips for you- they may not come right away, and may require some work- but in the end, you will be grateful you implemented these changes! And if you already do these things, cheers to you! Keep it up! Write us to let us know how it's going!

Eating and Loving,

Chanel and Heather

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Good Eatin'!

Hey there.... food food food!

Some of the people in our society exist in massive excess of material goods.. including the big struggle: food.

Can I ask you a tough question?
When did the purpose of food deviate from nourishment for our body?

Our tastebuds have completely turned into the governance by which we choose what goes into our bodies.
Training your brain to recognize the nourishment it NEEDS instead of CRAVES is a difficult task in this world of ours... it requires a great amount of discipline and conscious effort. But, like many things.. with hard work... IT IS POSSIBLE!
Let's examine the things we put into our bodies... not solely because it is the newest trend... but because we care to make the effort!
Or.... will we wait until cancer, obesity, and sedentary lifestyles become more important?
Let's take a proactive approach: read labels, pay for quality versus quantity, support local businesses doing good work, portion control, and get off of that couch!

Take CARE,
Chanel and Heather

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Yes, yes we are always breathing, but sometimes we need to take that extra time to stop and consciously BREATHE!

Whether it is to calm yourself… just BREATH, put things in to perspective … just BREATH, refocus… just BREATH, when you are discouraged… just BREATH, feeling overwhelmed… just BREATH etc. You get the point!

By stopping to…“ just BREATH” it allows us to be present in that moment of our life… as Oprah once said… “Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which units your body to your thoughts.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

“Smile, Breathe and Go slow.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Breathing Buds

Heather & Chanel

Saturday, October 17, 2009

HOW ARE YOU????????

Helloooo! How are you? How many times a day do you think you ask that question, or are asked that question? I've never counted, but I can imagine that it is a large number.

Number 1: When you ask this question, what is your typical response? What response do you expect? DO you reeeallly care to know the answer or are you just asking out of habit or because it's the polite thing to do?
So many times throughout our day, many of us overuse these words... I usually expect "I'm fine, and you?" after I ask the question, and that is most typically the answer I get.
Would you be surprised or put-off if someone answered truthfully?
I am going to make a conscious effort to ask this question only when I care to get an honest answer, and listen to the truth!

Number 2: What is your typical response when somebody asks you this question? Do you answer truthfully, or do you have a robotic, thoughtless answer as well? Next time someone asks you... try and think about delivering an honest answer!! It is unusually refreshing!

There are so many socially acceptable conversations that do not reflect our true thoughts or feelings, next time think about it!

Together, let's put meaning back into the phrase: How are you? In order for us to foster closer, more honest and supportive relationships with those in our lives!

Sincerely honest,

Chanel and Heather

Monday, October 12, 2009

THANKS-GIVING... a look beyond the turkey

On this holiday, be grateful!


Gratitude is a topic that is either over-used and lost meaning, or neglected and put away. Today, on this day of thanks, let's try and change our thought patterns in order to truly make giving thanks a meaningful priority in our every day lives.

Ponder it, think about it! What does it mean to you?

Everyday lately, I have made it a point to sit in quiet for 5 minutes, and be grateful for the Blessings that are abundant in my life. If I don't make this time, I end up seeing only hardships throughout my day instead of seeing the great events that bring a smile to my face! Once I begin actively practicing this, I more easily see Blessings in the moment, and the good times help carry me through the tough times.

Task Time:
Tonight, try to practice cultivating thankfulness by having a gratitude conversation with someone you love, writing a gratitude list, or by being thankful in our heart for the wonderful Blessings that surround you! They aren't always as obvious as getting a new job, winning the lottery, or being complimented on a good job done. They come in little, yet powerful, packages too! Little packages like watching snow falling, eating food that nourishes your body, seeing colourful leaves, driving a functional car or taking public transport to get to places you need to get to, watching a great TV program, hearing a song, or working with someone you enjoy being with!

Count your Blessings and the things you enjoy in your everyday life!

Choosing a Meaningful Attitude of Gratitude,
Chanel and Heather

Friday, October 9, 2009


On the eve of this eating “extravaganza” Thanksgiving long weekend, I thought perhaps an interesting movie to pick up this weekend for you and your family to check out is “Food, Inc.” Although I myself haven’t seen it yet (I will this weekend) I have heard it will change your eating habits forever! Check out the trailer on…

How much do we really know about the food we buy at our local supermarkets and serve to our families?

“In Food, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that's been hidden from the consumer with the consent of our government's regulatory agencies.

Our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of our farmers, the safety of workers and our own environment.

We have bigger-breasted chickens, the perfect pork chop, insecticide-resistant soybean seeds, even tomatoes that won't go bad, but we also have new strains of e coli -- the harmful bacteria that cause illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually.

We are riddled with widespread obesity, particularly among children, and an epidemic level of diabetes among adults.

Food, Inc. reveals surprising -- and often shocking truths -- about what we eat, how it's produced, who we have become as a nation and where we are going from here.”

YIKES! So perhaps the scare tactic doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for MEEE, so check it out this weekend, and take a second look/thought next time you do your grocery shopping?

Cheaper & BIGGER doesn’t equal BETTER!

Heather and Chanel

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

H1N1 vs. Seasonal Flu

Hello! Ok, so this fall weather has got us thinking.... FLUUUU SEASON!!!! There has been a whole lot of hype around this flu topic... H1N1 and the regular flu as well. The vaccinations that are available and recommended have been a hot topic in the media and also in our work places. All of these mixed messages we have been getting needed to be sorted out. Many companies have been educating their employees and preparing for a pandemic... so here's a little info from our "offices" :P

H1N1 flu vaccination is expected to be available to Canadians in approximately 3 weeks. It just recently became available to residents of the U.S.A. Now there has been a rumour that the flu vaccine should not be taken with the H1N1 vaccine... because it makes you more susceptible to H1N1.... ok, we are here to clarify!! Companies have stopped providing the flu shot for their employees... why you ask?
A study came in from Mexico contradicting the Canadian study... there definitely IS controversy... some say that if you have had the seasonal flu shot in previous years, you have a higher chance of getting H1N1… but having the H1N1 vaccination protects you… it’s the lag time in between from the flu vaccine and Mexico says that
The Canadian vaccinations have an added adjuvant agent… this boosts your immune system so when it is mixed into the vaccine, the vaccine protects you against H1N1 and the Adjuvant protects your immune system, rumour has it that it will make the vaccine more effective. Note: They have also made the vaccine available without Adjuvant for pregnant women because there have been no studies completed to test whether Adjuvant has effects on the growing fetus.

Controversial studies, contradictory information, and a whole lot of panic has set into our pop culture, making it difficult to sift through all of the information and make an educated decision in peace! This post will hopefully inform you a little; although there is a lot of information that speaks differently… you make the decision! Please comment if you have any further information to provide us with!

Flu shmoo…. But take it seriously!
Chanel and Heather