Oh my I have just been introduced to the New book by Eckhart Tolle (art by Patrick McDonnell) called “Guardians of Being”! This amazing story takes form as almost a children’s type book, however is for the young and old to enjoy. I just bought my first copy (I’m sure I will buy many more for gifts) and wanted to share just a few excerpts so you to will be intrigued to go and check it out…
Guardians of Being:
True happiness is found in simple,
seemingly unremarkable things.
But to be aware of little, quiet things,
you need to be quiet inside.
A high degree of alertness is required.
Be still. Look. Listen.
Be Present….
Look at a tree, a flower, a plant.
Let your awareness rest upon it.
How still it is, how deeply rooted in Being.
Allow nature to teach you stillness.
It is so wonderful to watch an animal,
because an animal has no opinion about itself.
That’s why the dog is so joyful
And why the cat purrs.
Most of us live in a world of
mental abstraction, conceptualization,
and image making – a world of thought.
we are immersed in a continuous stream
of mental noise. It seems that we can’t
stop thinking.
I have lived
with many
Zen masters,
All of them cats.
And so on…
It is a beautiful book and a great gift idea for someone who perhaps needs to
Be still. Look. Listen…. Be PRESENT! And for any animal lovers as it makes many comparisons with the natures or own common house pets and what we as humans can learn from their behaviors.
So pick it up from the Library, or head to the book store. The illustrations by Patrick McDonnell are amazing too!
Just Being,
Heather and Chanel