Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Go Fernie Gooo....

Since we have been here, on this Beautiful Mountain, we have been observing the "green" ways of being practised on the Hill & we thought we would share them you:

1. In the bathrooms on the hill, they have the 1/2 or full flush toilets: if it yellow 1/2 flush, if it brown definitely the full flush... why does this sound so familiar?
2. The hill ONLY uses 100% biodegradable garbage bags, yaaaa!
3. In order for the lifty's to put the covers on the t-bars, they have devised a bicycle ridding/pulley system to help them. Very smart, and green... many other hills would simply use a ski-do to do the job. Way to go Fernie-o!
4. They are also promoting healthy lifestyles with various contests and are giving away free passes as the prize!

Although it's not an earth shattering effort, we have seen little steps that show that the hill is aware of it's impact on the environment.

Today is our last day together and we are going to live it to the fullest! We are really hoping that Fernie, used as a catalyst, will continue to motivate us when we return to Saskatoon. We will be having a few of our friends and acquaintances who are trying to live greener, more environmentally responsible lifestyles, writing articles on their successes, challenges, and priorities. We are SUPER excited to have you reading our blog, and hope you will continue to learn with us.

Happy Trails Folks, Step Lightly!

Lots of Love, Chanel and Heather

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