Thursday, February 5, 2009

"R" to the first power....

So we have all been around long enough to know the three R's... even if you live under a rock... it's in our schools, on the sides of buses, on most packaging etc... the list goes on...
REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE... but upon further look, the reeaaaally big one is REDUCE!

To REDUCE, meaning:
purchasing only what you "need" and using it up
or consciously thinking about the packaging before you buy
(perhaps buy bulk?)
or for some things... perhaps going without them
(do I realllly need another appliance I will rarely use?)

Remain aware of our choices!!! Because there is still a lot of wasteful packaging and STUFF going into your home.

Yes, over the years packaging has been redesigned to make it more reusable and recyclable, however, if we can first limit what we are buying, so that we will NOT have to reuse plastics (which we know can be harmful) or NOT have to recycle the container (bc. we bought it bulk, and we all know that recycling takes energy and money to do as well) we will be doing ourselves and a world huge favour.

Some other benefits or REDUCING:

  • keeps materials out of the waste stream
  • preserves natural resources
  • reduces water and air pollution caused by the production of materials
  • saves you money
  • saves you time because you don't shop as much
  • enhances your creativity when you learn to make-do with what you have
  • you feel good about using less
  • you have less clutter in your life
So as we go about our daily lives let's think REDUCE REDUCE REDUCE...
Do I neeeeed that? Can I get that in bulk? Can I go without? Can I use this more that once?
WE CAN DO IT! Using less and consuming more efficiently!

Heather & Chanel

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