Sunday, February 22, 2009


We all know that plastic bags are a huuuuge part of our lives... grocery shopping, lunch bags, garbage, dying your hair, wet bathing suits, pooper scoopers, point " A" to "B" stuff, traveling, ETC.

This week, let's examine the plastic in our lives, and begin thinking of alternatives.
Next week we will be setting out on a massive makeover of our plastic bag practices.

Question, question:
What do YOU use plastic bags for???? Send us your comments and let us know, and we will add them to our list! (at the bottom of this post hit comments, and fire away).

The list has begun....
  • garbage bags

  • lunch bags

  • hair dye bags

  • grocery bags

  • tote bags (to separate from other items in a tote bag)

  • poop bags (for our animals and diapers...)

  • food storage (food from bulk bins, other)
Now, the reason that we are trying to become more aware of the places that plastic exists in our lives is because this is a completely man-made, fabricated product that almost NEVER biodegrades in the earth (IMPORTANT DETRIMENTAL NOTE: because these bags are made from petroleum or natural gas, plastic bags breakdown in 100-infinity years whereas paper bags take 1 month!!!! They never biodegrade because of their ingredients, and unless they are incinerated (which raises other environmental concerns), they will highly outlive their consumers (as read in the Wall Street Journal, 2007). These products sit in landfills for extended periods of time, and do not allow the materials in them to biodegrade into the earth either. They also litter other areas on this earth, and if we continue to use these products so irresponsibly.... well we will let you think of the consequences.

This may seem to you as just a "trend' that grocery stores and governments are trying to promote; however we believe that it must become a lasting part of all of our lives to make a conscious effort to combat the ridiculously common use of plastic bags in our communities.

Here are some earth-shattering stats (literally earth-shattering):

- In Ireland, in 2002, a highly successful bag tax reduced the consumption of plastic bags by a whopping 90%!!!!!!!! That's INCREDIBLE!!!!! We are a money driven society, but hey if it's going to make a change.
- Only about 1% of plastic bags are recycled worldwide..... that's unbelievable!!
- Approximately
500 billion bags are used EVERY YEAR AROUND THE WORLD! That's 500 000 000 000 plastic bags, UUUG!!

Conscious decisions people, beeeee conscious!

1 comment:

  1. I used to make parachutes out of them for my toy characters. It was so fun.
