Thursday, April 30, 2009

Composting Week!

Guess what???? Next week is National Composting Week! lol, sounds important, doesn't it! Soooo.... that means we all get our composts out and sing a happy tune-a!

Here is the website that promotes composting in Canada if you want to check it out:
There's not that much info about Saskatchewan, but there are MANY different events happening in Ontario and B.C.! Perhaps we could celebrate a little in little SK?

Composting comfort, Chanel and Heather

Monday, April 27, 2009

Composting... is it that easy?

This week we have a special guest "expert", Compost Carl (Chanel's husband's alias) :) He has a love for worms and composting (he also uses them for fishing).

"I love composting. I like to compost. I love to fish. Worms help digest compost and work to catch fish." -Compost Carl

Ok, so we know that some of you are turning your noses up, thinking that this is toooo stinky a matter for you to get your bizzness into. But modern composting is not that bad. Truly! We challenge all of you to start a composting bin in your backyards or decks. Chanel doesn't even have a backyard, and she's doing it!

Here are a few basic Composting 101 tips:
1. Worms help speed up the composting process significantly! They eat 5x more than their body weight per day in a composting environment! (So get digging along side the robins and throw them in the bin).
2. Sooooo many things can be composted, and not only does it reduce the waste that goes to the landfills SIGNIFICANTLY, but it also makes us aware of the things that we use that are NOT biodegradable, and hopefully we can find ways to reduce our waste!
3. Have a small ice cream pail with a lid under your sink or somewhere else that is convenient in your house. The waste can go there so you don't have to go to the compost bin for every banana peel! Every few days or every week, depending on the amount, you should dump your waste into the bin!
4. 2 composts are ideal: 1 for this summer, and one from the previous summer (The soil is usable soil- that you can use in your garden... it is a greeeeattt fertilizer soil! Then rotate between these in order to provide fertile soil for your garden, and a place for your biodegradable to decompose!).
5. Make sure you are turning your compost waste often, with a pitch fork or something, this helps to speed up the decomposition process.
6. Go to this link below for an easy, step by step guide to building your own composting unit that can be discreetly added to your backyard:
OR The City of Saskatoon offers a compost bin for $45, even Superstore has some!

How's that for a starter?? We challenge you today to get composting!! It is an easy thing to do that promotes healthy and sustainable living for all. If you have any tips or tricks from your current composting process, we would love to hear from you!

Composting Canaries,
Heather and Chanel

Soooo Sad....

Sooooo Sad, and soooooo BAD!!! We COULD have avoided this... because weeee did it!!!

The Garbage Patch:

Check it out!

"Every Piece of plastic we've made is still on the planet, it doesn't go away!"

Heather (thanks Kelly for finding this and bringing it to our attention)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

WOW... great idea....

As the "Roll Up the Rim" contest comes to a close my friend Angela sent me this link and what a great idea... Check it out!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Two feet on the ground please!

Sometimes I can have BOTH feet on the ground and I still don't have my Balance...

Like so many things in our lives it is sooo easy to be thrown off balance… if we’re moving to fast, or we are not prepared for what’s coming at us etc.

For myself, I am an emotional sponge, I let other people’s emotions (especially the negative or painful ones) affect me, call it over emotional or empathetic, or whatever… it’s not so fun. That, along with my own emotions and anxieties, throws me off balance and I'm a mess.

So over the years I have learned that I can have compassion and empathy for people, but I need to leave their problems to them… yes, I wish I had a magic wand to make everyone’s problems disappear, but I don’t. And Yes, there are still many people in our lives that come into your circle, (husband, family etc.) but you have to be able to stand on your own two feet at the end of the day (unless you're a flamingo), so try and maintain that balance!


Balance, Balance, Balance,

This is the issue that I continually struggle with. It seems as though my life is comprised of sooo many components, it is quite difficult to keep them all straight and to make time for myself. When I get home at the end of the day, I still have lists and lists of things that must be done before I make supper, clean up, and go to bed. When I have "downtime" or freetime, my brain shuts off and I can't focus on anything but the tv or the computer. Day after day that is what my life turns into... my goodness... there must be more: and this is exactly what I hope to accomplish by taking the time to reflectfully write entries in this blog. I hope you all can find purpose and meaning in your lives, or find whatever you are searchin for! I have lost perspective in my adulthood, and I am determined to get it back!! And once I have set my mind to it, I will accomplish it. And so can you... take this journey with me.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This is the day!

Today, Earth Day.

I had such an incredible day, seeing a large proportion of the public trying to be better people and kinder to the earth. What a huge impact assigning a day to a cause can have! I am a teacher, and all throughout our community acts of kindness toward our earth, environment, and others were evident. We capped off the day with an assembly focusing on living responsibly and taking care and interest in our natural world! The entire school became engaged in a "treasure picking" contest, to pick more garbage than the opposing teams for points in their house leagues... wow, I have never seen so many people so excited to clean up this earth! It made my heart sing to see so many acts of kindness! I am blown away by the abundance of goodness in this world!

Let's try to continue this everyday... and adopt the habits that we practice only on "Earth day"... EVERYDAY!!

Earthly love,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

EARTH DAY... Er... Tomorrow!!!

Hey guys, this is your friendly reminder that tomorrow is EARTH DAY! Yes that is right, so let's take a moment away from the balance theme of the week and get pumped about the world doing their part... or so we hope!!!
My plan sooo far.... is no Car use for sure, and doing something OUTSIDE as much as I can tomorrow, going biking, cleanin' up, eatin' outside (yaaa picnic), using as little electricity as I can... Plus we're going to have a night in the dark at our home to cap it all off...
What's YOUR plans for Earth Day?
Let us know what YOU are doing to help out... if only EVERY day was earth day REALLY.... AAAaaah to Dream!
So think Green and get out and help the planet!


Monday, April 20, 2009

Balance Continues....

Let's assess. When you need "down-time," what do you do? What do you do?
Do you... watch television, play on the computer, email, video games, eat, exercise (or try), chat with comrades, drink, journal........... the list is virtually endless!

Today we are examining what we truly do to relax. There is a time and a place for all things, but are these things in the time and place they should be in your life (ie. watching the boob-tube endlessly night upon night to escape from reality...unless you love watching balance tv, lol)? Sometimes we are so consumed by the chores and routines in our lives that we become stagnant and unable to grow to be better people: kind of like horse blinders... does that make sense?

Be accountable to yourself! Our time needs to become more valuable to us! We NEED to harness the precious time that we have along with our energy to better our lives, not just for ourselves, but for the world around us!

Instead of focusing on becoming better people, we become so consumed on making it through the day and getting to the next "check" stop. Unless we "make time" for bettering ourselves (find a place to add it to your day planner right now... seriously mark in some YOU TIME, ie. personal growth time) we will not truly appreciate what tangible things we've achieved in our lives.

Self-growth, like information, is not learned through osmosis, but through hard work, determination, and PRACTICE... painful as it may be, if it doesn't kill you will make you stronger... guaranteed... you simply have the choice.

Get to work on yourself: we are!
Heather and Chanel

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Which Would You Choose?

We’re trying out the “balancing thing”… Soooo…. How is it going?

We are trying to find balance in our everyday lives, especially by being aware of this incredibly fine concept…

We have had some incredibly huge signs in our lives lately, telling us to slow down and really be in the moment. This is an idea that is VERY RARE in our society. We are always planning, thinking about what’s going to happen next, scheduling, worrying, and anticipating the future. Little do we know how detrimental this action is in the present moment. What is the point of the present moment if it passes without being enjoyed or recognized? This is just a little thought for you to contemplate today, but we truly hope that you will explore this in your own life, and catch yourself more often when you are stressing about the future… near or far.

Here's a test for you... Do you ever feel like it's should be, or is already FRIDAY but really it's Monday or Tuesday? I don't mean you want it to be Friday... I mean you feel like you have already had a FULL weeks worth of work when it's just begun? Well this may be because you have already PRE-PLANNED and filled your entire week and feel like you've DONE it and have moved on to filling up the next week! YUCK... this is not good, talk about wishing time away...
Be Present
, it's OK to plan but not to PLAN your whole life away!

Remember: there is a difference between being responsible in the sense of taking care of yourself, and wasting precious moments away by worrying about what’s going to happen next!

p.s. The image is printer ready guys, so print'er off and put'er up on the fridge... it can be a great reminder when you need one!

Chanel and Heather

Friday, April 17, 2009

Balance Balance Balance!!!

WARNING! WARNING! This is a very complex subject that we assume will be interpreted differently by all of our readers and we are very excited for that! Everyone brings something new to the “table” and that’s what makes our world so incredibly diverse!

The need for balance exists on so many levels in our lives, and without truly appreciating it and the purpose it serves on each level, we fail to “complete our circle” and develop what we might call a “flat tire” that is not completely round, or balanced. This theory is derived from Aboriginal Spirituality and can be applied to all areas of our lives. It has definitely been helpful in working toward balance in our lives!

As a whole, working on balancing work, play, spirituality, family, and other areas of our lives is very important. All of these areas in our lives are crucial to our peaceful existence, and it is important that we see their place in our lives and make time for each of them.

Within each area of our lives there exists another idea of balancing the components within, such as time with your children and spouse. We all need time alone with our significant others, as well as time with our children and parents and siblings. Making time for all of these within our “family time” can be a challenge…. But like all things: being aware of this challenge makes it easier to overcome!

And ALWAYS remember: Just like a tall building must be built upon a strong foundation to become a safe and long-lasting structure, we must base our lives on a solid foundation in order to actualize our purpose on this incredibly miraculous earth! And many may be fooled by what they believe their "strong" foundation should be built on, however, in our opinion the foundation is not built on material wealth or secured income, but rather on Love, Spirituality, Family, and Friends!

Balancing Brats,

Chanel and Heather

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Balancing Act!

This week we are attempting to discuss a subject that is on a lot of our minds in this “day and age:” Le Balance.

Balance is a topic that we all struggle with in our lives because of the incredible amount of demands and pressure others place on us and that we place on ourselves. Applying balance to our lives can take on many different meanings, and we will be exploring several of these throughout the next few weeks. The concept of balancing our lives is constantly being thrown aside in many instances for different, more attractive extremes (just to name a few… in our schools, careers, need for material things, friendships, health and care for our bodies) and the scaffolding in which balance applies to our lives is endless on so many levels.

First question: We often take ourselves to this unattainable threshold and many times it takes a life shattering event to force us to gain a deeper and more meaningful perspective towards the purpose of our existence. Focusing on living a sustainable and peaceful lifestyle is often not made a priority until it is forced upon us…. WHY? How did we get to this point where this is NORMAL??

We are out to become aware of the ways in which we fall short and ignore the need for balance... won't you join us?

Balancing Bombshells,

Chanel and Heather

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Think outside the box... or city...

Hey there, good to see you again! My husband and I went to Calgary, AB for a little R&R. It was so nice to get away and be in a city where we didn't have any responsibilities or time schedules!

I don't know about you, but I need to leave my familiar surroundings once in a while to explore other worlds than my own. It brings me back to earth and gives me a deeper and more meaningful perspective regarding my purpose on this earth. I love comfort and leaving my comfort "zone," as some would describe it, is good for me! My hope is that this pring season you are able to do the same, whether it be volunteer with a new organization, go on a much needed vacation, or simply saying hello to a stranger who looks like they might need to know that someone cares!

I hope you had a wonderfully Blessed Easter weekend, with the weather turning a little brighter and the sun shining down a little warmer, all seems to be much better!

While in Calgary, I observed many initiatives that promote living responsibly including at the hotel and throughout the entire city! It was really great to see living a responsible and sustainable lifestyle being put as a priority. Go Calgary!

Lots of Love,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday! Time for renewal....

Well today is Easter Sunday, and for those who are religious it is a day to rejoice because the Lord has risen and Lives!!!

Whatever your day may hold, to most Easter marks the beginning of springtime and the upcoming warmer weather Yaaa!! With summer just around the corner, Easter begins the flood (sometimes literately with the snow melting) of spring activity.

As natures reawakening begins, (in all it’s beauty), it is a great time for a reawakening in our own lives! It is a time when almost everyone starts planning for more outdoor activity and fun, getting out, being healthy and feeling ALIVE again after the long hibernation (well… I sure hibernate in the winter… come on it’s Saskatchewan)!

So as our focus shifts to the warm weather, and rebirth of our energetic selves… What better time than Easter to start some new traditions?

Here are a few tips and ideas to get your spring legs working again:

1. Get outside!!!! Whether it is a walk with a friend, cleaning up the yard, playing a sport, riding a bike, watching the birds etc. Get outside the fresh air will do us allll some good and it is truly enjoyable.

2. Easter marks the time when fresh vegetables and fruits come out! Yaaaaa! Add these to your diet, you’ll look and feel better. Better yet, walk or bike to the farmers market and then buy them… ooorrr GROW them!
3. Spend time with friends and family. Spring is a great time to plan events. Playing games outdoors, socializing, BBQ’in, patio season begins etc. or just enjoying the beauty of nature.

It is a fact that people who have active, healthy social lives are mentally and physically healthier and live longer lives. Yaaaa!!

Let’s try and look at spring as a time to renew your commitment to a healthier life, and a healthier world…. because it’s worth it!

What are some things you and your family do to ring in Spring ?

Happy Easter!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Runnin' back to Saskatoon!

Hey Guys, well I’m back and although it was a wonderful trip I have to say I am happy to be home!

The pace of Toronto, (although fun for a few days,) is reallllly exhausting!!!

Between the commuting and the go, go, go attitude, the “I am to busy to smile and say Hello” feel you get from everyone when you walk down the street, I am remembering why I decided to move back to Saskatoon after school!

Although there are mannnny great things Toronto and the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) have and offer for the busy working class to keep the city working smoothly with great transit systems in place etc. At the end of the day I just don’t quite get WHY they do it? I mean let’s assess…

On average Torontonians commute 79 minutes for a round trip a day, which is equal to roughly 340 hours of commuting a year or two whole weeks. Yikes!!!

OK yes, there are definitely more job options and larger companies in big cities. And many people ARE driven to have the success and money and all that jazz…. But when (in my opinion) your life is like a broken record and you get up at the crack of dawn, commute, then worked 8 hours or more, and then commute again and by the time you get home you are exhausted so you hit the hay and you get up and do it all over again the next day?! Dang, after doing that for just one week I felt like I was ready for another vacation! How do they do it….??? WHY do they do it?!

Where as in Saskatchewan, where there are still many great jobs and we are the fastest growing province in Canada, and our average commute time is 15 min. max…. and people say “Hello” to you on the street, and there is a sense of calm even when walking downtown….. I will take that any day!

I know, I know... it's a truly different way of life, and “to each his/her own”, however I just have to say, I am truelllly thankful to live in Saskatoon!

When you take a look at your life and where you live, your lifestyle etc. how do you feel about it? I mean… do you feel like you are go, go, go’in it all the time? Or are you happy with the pace?

Send us some of your thoughts!


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Toronto Fun!

Hey guys soooo I've been in T.O. now since last Tuesday and been having a blast walking around and exploring! Unfortunately I do not have great access to a computer and as we speak I am standing in the Apple store typing this post. Sooo, for now here is just one of many GREEN initiatives Toronto is taking that I have noticed so far.  
For one, Toronto composts EVERYTHING they possibly can! Each residence receives a green garbage bin that they fill up and with everything compost-able and the city carts it away once a week! We are talking fruit, vegetable scraps, paper towel, napkins, coffee grinds, meat scraps etc. 
This is truellly impressive! 
My aunt was telling me that with all the programs in place to take away the "organics" (compost), paper and plastics right at her doorstep... that they only have one little bag of garbage a week! And I believe it! 
Hurrraay Toronto, Come oooooon Saskatoon, jump on the green train!

Green in T.O.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Ring....

Yo! Yo! High five to spring time! After my bitter rant last post, I have gained some perspective, and I have been able to enjoy the wonder of melting snow and the sweet sweet sight of water running down the ground... the ground is soooo beautiful! I had forgotten how incredible walking on the ground and looking at the ground is! It sounds so simple, but it adds so much joy to my life.

Every year, it seems as though everyone forgets how warm air feels, and people come out of their homes in which they have been hibernating, and are able to become active and lively again! As I get out more often, I see many more friendly faces and happy people! Let's all be grateful for this incredible season of change, because we would not be this elated if everyday were sunny, warm, happy and bright! The hard and cold days make us grateful for the easy breezy beautiful days!

Heather, we hope you are having a blast and learning lots in Toronto! We are excited to hear about your adventures!
Spring is in the air, Chanel