Monday, April 27, 2009

Composting... is it that easy?

This week we have a special guest "expert", Compost Carl (Chanel's husband's alias) :) He has a love for worms and composting (he also uses them for fishing).

"I love composting. I like to compost. I love to fish. Worms help digest compost and work to catch fish." -Compost Carl

Ok, so we know that some of you are turning your noses up, thinking that this is toooo stinky a matter for you to get your bizzness into. But modern composting is not that bad. Truly! We challenge all of you to start a composting bin in your backyards or decks. Chanel doesn't even have a backyard, and she's doing it!

Here are a few basic Composting 101 tips:
1. Worms help speed up the composting process significantly! They eat 5x more than their body weight per day in a composting environment! (So get digging along side the robins and throw them in the bin).
2. Sooooo many things can be composted, and not only does it reduce the waste that goes to the landfills SIGNIFICANTLY, but it also makes us aware of the things that we use that are NOT biodegradable, and hopefully we can find ways to reduce our waste!
3. Have a small ice cream pail with a lid under your sink or somewhere else that is convenient in your house. The waste can go there so you don't have to go to the compost bin for every banana peel! Every few days or every week, depending on the amount, you should dump your waste into the bin!
4. 2 composts are ideal: 1 for this summer, and one from the previous summer (The soil is usable soil- that you can use in your garden... it is a greeeeattt fertilizer soil! Then rotate between these in order to provide fertile soil for your garden, and a place for your biodegradable to decompose!).
5. Make sure you are turning your compost waste often, with a pitch fork or something, this helps to speed up the decomposition process.
6. Go to this link below for an easy, step by step guide to building your own composting unit that can be discreetly added to your backyard:
OR The City of Saskatoon offers a compost bin for $45, even Superstore has some!

How's that for a starter?? We challenge you today to get composting!! It is an easy thing to do that promotes healthy and sustainable living for all. If you have any tips or tricks from your current composting process, we would love to hear from you!

Composting Canaries,
Heather and Chanel

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