Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday! Time for renewal....

Well today is Easter Sunday, and for those who are religious it is a day to rejoice because the Lord has risen and Lives!!!

Whatever your day may hold, to most Easter marks the beginning of springtime and the upcoming warmer weather Yaaa!! With summer just around the corner, Easter begins the flood (sometimes literately with the snow melting) of spring activity.

As natures reawakening begins, (in all it’s beauty), it is a great time for a reawakening in our own lives! It is a time when almost everyone starts planning for more outdoor activity and fun, getting out, being healthy and feeling ALIVE again after the long hibernation (well… I sure hibernate in the winter… come on it’s Saskatchewan)!

So as our focus shifts to the warm weather, and rebirth of our energetic selves… What better time than Easter to start some new traditions?

Here are a few tips and ideas to get your spring legs working again:

1. Get outside!!!! Whether it is a walk with a friend, cleaning up the yard, playing a sport, riding a bike, watching the birds etc. Get outside the fresh air will do us allll some good and it is truly enjoyable.

2. Easter marks the time when fresh vegetables and fruits come out! Yaaaaa! Add these to your diet, you’ll look and feel better. Better yet, walk or bike to the farmers market and then buy them… ooorrr GROW them!
3. Spend time with friends and family. Spring is a great time to plan events. Playing games outdoors, socializing, BBQ’in, patio season begins etc. or just enjoying the beauty of nature.

It is a fact that people who have active, healthy social lives are mentally and physically healthier and live longer lives. Yaaaa!!

Let’s try and look at spring as a time to renew your commitment to a healthier life, and a healthier world…. because it’s worth it!

What are some things you and your family do to ring in Spring ?

Happy Easter!


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