WARNING! WARNING! This is a very complex subject that we assume will be interpreted differently by all of our readers and we are very excited for that! Everyone brings something new to the “table” and that’s what makes our world so incredibly diverse!
The need for balance exists on so many levels in our lives, and without truly appreciating it and the purpose it serves on each level, we fail to “complete our circle” and develop what we might call a “flat tire” that is not completely round, or balanced. This theory is derived from Aboriginal Spirituality and can be applied to all areas of our lives. It has definitely been helpful in working toward balance in our lives!
As a whole, working on balancing work, play, spirituality, family, and other areas of our lives is very important. All of these areas in our lives are crucial to our peaceful existence, and it is important that we see their place in our lives and make time for each of them.
Within each area of our lives there exists another idea of balancing the components within, such as time with your children and spouse. We all need time alone with our significant others, as well as time with our children and parents and siblings. Making time for all of these within our “family time” can be a challenge…. But like all things: being aware of this challenge makes it easier to overcome!
And ALWAYS remember: Just like a tall building must be built upon a strong foundation to become a safe and long-lasting structure, we must base our lives on a solid foundation in order to actualize our purpose on this incredibly miraculous earth! And many may be fooled by what they believe their "strong" foundation should be built on, however, in our opinion the foundation is not built on material wealth or secured income, but rather on Love, Spirituality, Family, and Friends!
Balancing Brats,
Chanel and Heather
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