Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well folks, it turns out that we never made a dent in Saskatchewan (with reference to Earth Hour on Saturday, statistics according to SaskPower).... I think that's quite pathetic honestly. I looked around my street during Earth Hour and there were many houses that remained lit up... even on the outside! This is unbelievable to me because Earth Hour was so heavily publicized in the media and in schools (both public and Catholic) that I can't imagine that many people not hearing of it... I need to let this go... but I also feel a little frustrated because my passion for becoming responsible to someone outside of myself seems like such a foreign and "silly" idea. Not only am I continually feeling patronized for the steps I have taken in my life, but I also feel a lack of support. I know Heather has received much more encouragement and support and I am grateful for that; however I wish I felt a little more love on my end. This is my rant and I know some of you, especially my family (I have the most supportive family in the whole wide world!) sat in the dark for an hour, lol, and for that I am super grateful! Let's all try to step it up a noch, and try that extra little bit to be better people this week, in whatever way you feel inspired. This is my challenge to you and to myself. Let's try it!

The lesson I am choosing to learn from my frustration is to mind my own bizzniss and keep doin' my thang... those of you reading are the greatest supporters, and I realize that I am "preaching to the choir" :P There's a lesson to be learned from every experience.... so if ever you are feeling discouraged or ineffective, keep chuggin': it will be worth it in the end!

This week Heather is in Toronto with her hubby on a conference/vacation, and she will be writing us later on this week to discuss her experience there! Have a safe and relaxing trip Heather! We look forward to hearing about your adventures and wish you many Blessings along the way!

Lotsa Love, Chanel

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Simply Beautiful!

So how did sitting in the dark go? Did you feel like you did your part? If you didn't... there's always more opportunities whenever you want/can to do this... there's no light and energy consumption police mandating that you use technology... try it sometime, it's actually quite freeing! It's a great feeling tapping out of the GRID, you are not dependent on so many pieces of technology to keep you entertained or to make your life easier, and it brings a person "back to the basics". Where we should really be going more often... talking with our spouses, laughing with friends (not the TV show "Friends", the real ones), and purely enjoying the beauty within the simplicity (sounds corny but don't knock it 'till you try it). Simply Beautiful!!!

Chanel: Personally, I went to a party in which we sat in the dark (candles were lit like in the olden days... in the words of a 14 year old girl) and drank a fair bit of wine.... it was great. Really great. I felt like I did my part, yup, I did my part. We all did, it was pretty great.

Heather: At our home, we turned everything off and lit some candles and Charlie (our kitten above) provided a lot of entertainments, he looooved the candles! But mostly, my hubby and I (and Charlie) just sat and talked and read to each other (very nice by the way, try it). And once the hour was up, I was sad it was over, SSsoooo... we have decided to try and prioritize an hour each week to take ourselves "back to the basics", turn off everything and just spend time together... in the dark, WWwwahooo

"Honey, You light up my life, I don't need a light bulb"

Heather and Chanel

Friday, March 27, 2009


Holla to the Earth Hour (note: to be said or read with a Jamaican accent)

This weekend marks a very special event in our world! What an incredible initiative this is! We encourage you all to try to participate in this event, as it is a huuuuge step in creating awareness in our world for the environment. Doing this promotes thinking with our green brains rather than our polluted brains everyday... now that's something that you can't put a price on!

Join us, will ya (note: to be said or read with an Australian accent, as Earth hour originated down unda)??

Aloha (note: to be said or read with a Hawaiian accent (translation: hello and goodbye),

Chanel and Heather

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Where to begin?

Hey ya'll... we have been reflecting on how we are attempting to clean out our lives this spring! Now for the good stuff... getting down to the nitty gritty of cleaning. We love to maintain a clean house... these are some of our tips to get down and dirty this spring!! It will be worth it in the end, trust us!

Cleaning agents: you can get environmentally friendly detergents and cleaning agents in most every grocery store, use them!! Vinegar or/and baking soda, and lemon are also great natural cleaning agents, together or separate. Baking soda and vinegar together, really works to clean off scales in your Tea pots or calcium build up on your shower heads. Baking soda combined with a little warm water is great for cleaning out the fridges and other areas of the home.

Use an old toothbrush to clean the grime that has built up around baseboards (dust) and sinks... it reaches those hard-to-get places like a charm!

Keep getting new rags to maintain the cleanliness of your home. This is the one day a year that you can do a whole load of laundry just from the rags you go through! And try microfiber clothes, they are charged so pick up dust without sprays. You can get them many places (helth food stores, cleaning product parties etc.) however, I have found the best deal is the 20 pack from Costco in the auto isle. They are marked as Microfiber Auto Towels and are bright yellow, however they are just the same and you get 20 for about $12 bucks!

Here is a list of some of the places that we venture to clean every spring to ensure that our houses are clean for summer. It takes us approximately 3 hours to do in our homes of approximately 1200 sq. ft. in size (you must be very effective when cleaning and have some great tunes to keep you motivated):

- refrigerator
- freezer
- baseboards
- mopping floors on hands and knees (does a much better job the old fashion way :P)
- dusting plants, above cupboards, lights, lamps, frames, cupboards
- wash the face of kitchen appliances and cupboards
- clean carpets (if applicable)
- once you have found everything that can be dusted... look deeper.... there's always more!
- clean all of your mirrors, but most importantly.. your windows! Windows can easily be cleaned inside and out if you're motivated!
- door knobs need to be disinfected and other areas that you use often (handles)

This additional, “yet essential” stuff, may take longer, but it is very important to do if you are wanting to feel clean:

Go through your house from literally top to bottom.... from every nook and cranny...

- closets (clean out clothes that you have not worn in over 5 months (no contrary to popular belief, you will never fit into those clothes again, and they will not come back into style... have a clothes party with a few friends and donate the clothes that nobody picks to the local Salvation Army of Community Living organization)...

- clean out under anything that doesn’t MOVE often; dressers, fridge, bed etc.
- pitch old decorative items that need to be replaced to alleviate the clutter...

- UNCLUTTER!!!! GO through all boxes of old technology and old memorabilia… as time passes some things may become less valuable to you, and this frees up a lotttt of space!
- And the garage... that dreaded space, lol... get gutsy and just do it: sort through the cra* that you have accumulated, recycle all the cans and bottles, and organize!! Everytime you enter into that space you will be so relieved!

Both of us have done our spring clean and “boy did it feel gooood”, we were dead tired by the end of it all, but that feeling of satisfaction is a true one we can be proud of.

Give’r a shot!

Good music, "cleanin" attitude and goooo!

Chanel and Heather

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Speaking of spring cleaning... my house neeeeds it.... but that is not the most important part of my life that needs it! If I were to simply spend a few days faithfully cleaning and getting rid of the excessive junk in my house, I might feel better temporarily, but the junk will only come back and haunt me! First, we must look deeper and become acutely aware of the stuff in our lives, material or not, that can be set aside and let go. For instance, I have a wonderfully abundant amount of projects in my life at the moment. They are all projects that I am interested in and passionate about; however it is time that I begin to sift through them in order to find the deep purpose and satisfaction that life has to offer us all. My goal this week and this month is to dig deeper into myself and search for purpose, meaning, and clarification of why I am on this earth. Whether you are spiritually driven or not, this is something we all can do to make this world what it was meant to be: a world full of love.


All tooo true Chanel'y, you can dooo it!

As for myself, over the past few years I have been fulfilling myself with buying STUFF... I love to shop and still do, however I have realized that when I am feeling bad (like so many people) I go out shopping to fulfill my feelings... and when you get it all home, you don't really even want it!

Shopping fills you up temporary with good feelings, “Oh yaaaa, new red shoes,” (or whatever; cars, trips, clothing etc.) but then... two days later I'm out there shopping again!
So you can only imagine my home, it isn’t tooooo bad, but if I kept it up it would be… well, NOT pretty!

So over the past while I have been:

  1. Trying to reduce my load of unneeded STUFF that I have already accumulated!
  2. Reduce the amount of shopping I do. But I have also realized that I even just enjoy the ACT of shopping without the purchasing part. Tip: Fill your cart with stuff you love, then ditch it :) Wal-Mart Loves me I’m sure!
  1. Actually face the reason’s I’m feeling bad or whatever, and do something else about it!

These are just a few of our ways to reduce and “Spring Clean” in our lives, what are some ways that work for you, literally and/or figuratively?



Friday, March 20, 2009

Adding by Subtracting...

As we try to focus in on an environmental topic that we are passionate about, we have noticed a common theme in our lives... it begins with adding by subtraction. At first this sounds a bit contradictory; however upon deeper examination of this statement, we realize that it is profoundly inspirational. In our society, we try our best to be everything and do everything in order to be the greatest, most incredible version of ourselves (what we realize is that kyptonite is not the only thing that could kill us... we beg you to consider this :P). Is this practical, let alone healthy???? In our own lives we have realized that it IS most definitely NOT. Doing more, buying more, getting more, and giving more doesn't necessarily lead to being more.

On our quest to do this, we become blinded by the greatness that already exists within us.

When someone asks you what you do... does that really define you? We spend our lives doing doing doing... not being being being... we consider focusing on being as a waste of time. Most would answer without thinking and say yes what we do for a living and what we spend our time doing defines us and to a certain extent it does; however that feeling of defining ourselves by what we do overrides our self-image to the extent that many of us don't even know who we would be if we stripped it all away.

Who would you be? If you were to subtract all of the things you do and the things you have... who would you be?

This sounds like a cliche, but bear with us: When you are near the end of your life, what will characterize your footprint? Is this something you would like to change? If not, good on you... pleeease enlighten us! If there are things you would like to change, what is preventing you from doing so? What barriers are holding you back?

Now consider this: what can you subtract from your life in order to do what you do best, better?

In order to truly beeee better people, what can we lose from our lives? Once we get the courage to make these tough choices, the things that we do well will not only become infinitely better, but will contribute to creating your best footprint. This week we will be focusing on literally and figuratively cleaning out our closets, beginning on this very appropriate day, the first day of spring! Spring cleaning if you will.

I'm me and that's all I have to be,

Chanel and Heather

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Random acts of GREEN…

Soooo on a couple different occasion, I have been out and about and encounter various "Random acts of GREEN"…

The other day I was heading out of Wal-Mart, when I encountered a cute older couple on their way in. Upon reaching the door the couple stopped, the man turned to his wife, kissed her and said, “I am going to pick- up while you shop!”…. aaah, pick-up, pardon me?.. I was confused and the thought of him trying to pick-up some young chickas in the parking lot flashed through my head? However, this was NOT the case, (dang, he was cute, JJ), as I walked in parallel to him out into the parking lot I watched as he began picking up garbage! Aaah, picking-up, I see… Bravo, bravo, BRAVO!

I was floored, really!

The only other time I have seen this random act was when I was walking to the farmers market one morning and a couple in front of me picked up garbage as they walked. However, for some reason (in my mind anyhow), it suited then, perhaps bc. we were on the way to the farmers market and not in a random parking lot? I don’t know, anyhow Bravo to you ALL! Keep it up!

I am going to try and follow in their footsteps, their "fighting footprints" actually, and if I see some garbage and am near a trash can, I’ll grab it and through it away (then grab my hand sanitizer in my purse, lol)! Try it, let’s see what happens!

What other Random acts of green have you encountered or do you do yourself? Let us know your stories!

Garbage fighting machine!


Monday, March 16, 2009

Footprint Fav's...

OK, so we have been seeing green everywhere we go lately, it's awesome to see so much energy being devoted to creating awareness of our responsibility to this planet!

Here is a list of a couple of sites that we have recently come across that have been created to heighten awareness of becoming more eco-responsible:


Have you ever seen the amazing George Stroumboulopoulos? The sky is your limit on this website… this is basically what we wish we would have created…. bah humbug… but you should definitely check it out because it rocks our world… seriously. You can create mini blogs, an account, and track how much of an effect on greenhouse gases your small acts of green impact. It’s pretty cool… like cooler than ice…


This site has small ways to alter your lifestyle to become more eco- friendly... all while saving money (of course, the government is endorsing it...)


Great décor ideas and easy ways to green-up your living space.

We have been doing some online research and discovering that there is a plethora of websites, blogs, stores, and information to be found… if only you put your mind to it.

This is a MASSIVE task, like bigger than a woolly mammoth… let’s talk about millions of sites and programs and challenges out there… it is easy to become overwhelmed and completely shut down, claiming that this task is too difficult…. But our goal is to become your one-stop-shop to finding neat information and helpful tools to create a healthier lifestyle for us and those around us.

We are going to be trying (painfully) to find a focus, please bear with us!

Once again, let us know what you think about green products….

P.S. Sometimes the comments section on the blog does not work, but please do not despair, send us your comment in email format at fightingfootprints@gmail.com and we will be sure to post it within the same day!

Stay green, not mean,

Chanel and Heather

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Environmentally responsible takes on a deeper meaning...

So many of you were expressing that your comments and the topic of last week was not green related... now we beg to differ, as "being green" insinuates that you are being more environmentally responsible.... responsible for your environment.... the sun, the stars, the grass, the trees, your family, friends, and all others on this planet. We argue that the theme of last week was quite appropriate and fit in very well with our green theme, as it attempted to focus on becoming more responsible to your environment: your life, and the lives of those around you. We will be continuing our quest to become more responsible human beings on this earth not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well! Thank you all for sharing this experience with us!
And always remember... He's got the whole world in His hands!
Green Feens,
Chanel and Heather

Friday, March 13, 2009

I think it’s here to stay?!

Spring fever: noun. A feeling of restlessness or excitement brought on by the coming of spring.

It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! ~Mark Twain

That’s it for SURE! And I’ve got it… I don’t know about the rest of you but if you live in Saskatchewan, I’m sure you’re in the same boat.

Ooooh yaaaaaaa, I think it’s here to stay?! Although I’ve said that 3 times now and well… two days ago it was -45. But let’s think positively here!

Today there was a certain change in people’s demeanor's, a shift in attitudes and a change in perceptions during this winter’s thaw. There was water running in the streets, and the world (or Saskatoon) seemed in a flurry of energy once again.

As we head into this weekend, let’s embrace this energy and do some good with it.

Get out, enjoy the outdoors, laugh, do something for someone else, try something new, visit an old friend, write a letter… we allll need it! We need to shake this winter off ourselves, bc. It’s here to stay, I know it, come onnnnn SPRING!

Fight the urge to stay inside, get out, get out, get out!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Don't throw it away... feed the pig!

OK, so after all this economic talk, although TRUE it can definitely be a little depressing, and add that to the -45 weather we are having today and well… UGGG…

But let’s think of some things that can HELP financially and mentally during these times and as most of them are about reducing, we are being green toooo. Yaaa!

Most of us have no problem in the area of spending money (myself included),! As a child my parents would probably say my allowance was already spent before I received it. This is still true for many of us: we know our wages and have pre-planned what we will be spending on pay day (a new TV, saving for a car, mortgage, utilities, etc).

Yes, many of those things are necessities and some are simply desires, however, if we think about them, we can probably find a better way to plan and save us some money in the long run. For one, we don’t want to be THROWING our money away (if you do, please call ME & I will help you get rid of your unwanted $$$ :)!!

The current economic crisis will eventually blow over someday, but until then there are ways in which we can be cost effective and let our piggy banks fill up a little to give us that extra cushion. We don’t know what is to come… market spiraling (MORE), higher gas prices, increased healthcare costs, etc.

OK, OK…. Sooo enough of the talk let’s get to the TIPS and TRICKS:

5 Ways to Save Money during Economic Crisis

1. When Possible, avoid your car - Try using your car less when you can, even though gas prices are lowering, you can really save a LOT by filling up less. And for the green side of this, buying gas + car exhaust = No Good! It’s really NOT that hard, we are soooo used to the convenience of jumping in the car and going… so car pool, walk, bike, bus, etc.

- Aside from the gas saving, you will be saving on the wear and tear of your car, saving costs on maintenance and possible repairs.

2. Cut entertainment expenses - You can save a lot of money simply by cutting your entertainment expenses. Think about borrowing a DVD from a friend or the library for a change, having a games night, cooking dinner with friends instead of going out, instead of paying for a gym membership you can stay in shape with free outdoor activities, on a date with your hunny try a picnic that you cooked yourself.

3. Save on utilities - Avoid using lights in the daytime when possible, we have windows so “let there be natural light." Window’s can also cut cost by allowing solar heat in. Before the sun sets at night, pull down your blinds to keep the heat in, and in the morning open them all day... you will see a difference in your heating bill... try it!

-When appliances are turned off but unplugged then they still drain electricity. Turn off things such as TV’s, computer screens, microwaves, mobile chargers etc while not in use. One great way to make it more convenient is to place some of the sources on a power bar and with one flick…. you’re savin’!

- Although we allll love LONG bath’s and showers, we are really wasting a lot of water, so one trick to save water and $$$ is while you are washing you hair, turn the taps off, then start’er up again when it’s time to rinse.

- Another thing I find myself doing is taking some water from the tap to drink but when I’m finished I toss the rest… uggg, so I either need to take LESS or use the water up, ie. water the plants, or drink it all :)

- Cable bills can be massive and we usually just cringe and pay, although if we really look at the bills to see what extra costs are there, we can often find some changes that can be made to suit our pockets better. Reduce your TV channels: if you don’t watch them, get rid of them! Do you use your whole $10 worth of long distance each month? Or is it worth it to pay per minute? …. Another way to reduce your bills is by going through one Server Company that you can have your TV, Internet, Phone & Cell all on one bill, there is usually a better rate (ie. Sasktel). But still look at the bill and asses what you can change…. bunldes save a bundle, lol, as the advertisements tell us!

- if you are so bold: cut your cable bill. You can watch complete TV shows and movies online, and get up to the minute news through the internet.

- Landline phones are also an unnecessary expense. Many people (including Chanel) just use their Cell phones. Cell phones are portable and allow you to be reached almost anywhere and always, ugggg, always! lol... well when we answer them... Chanel...

4. Be a smart food shopper - While shopping at the supermarket look out for value packs or family packs, its not much of a saving but its a start and you will be going back less to get it (less driving).

- Switch to no-name brands, or in store brands (generic)… they are often just the same but cost less (essspecially in the area of pharmaceuticals).

- Use coupons, I know, I know… no one wants to be the one who pulls out the wad of coupons… but hey, own it… it’s coooool to use coupons!

- Make a list, and plan your meals before you go shopping. This will help you to buy only what you neeed and not fill the cart with added junk and food that will be wasted.

- Plan to start bringing your lunch to work; you will save a ton of money.

5. Rent out a room - Not all people are comfortable with this but if you have a large home or a basement suit rent it out to someone. It will help pay the mortgage and bring in some extra cash. Make sure you educate yourself first on renting and do a proper credit reference and background check on possible tenants before renting the room.

These are just a few tips to get you going and hopefully you will begin to see a difference... feed that piggy bank!

Let us know if you notice a difference and what other tips you have for saving the green!

"Don't wash money down the drain!"... but remember, if you are, invite me over!


Monday, March 9, 2009

Always Grow, Grow All Ways...

To continue from yesterday... lol are we ever digging deep into philosophical thought this week... dadadada... won't you join me? A little critical thought is good for the brain!

While on the topic of changing our thought patterns to live more responsibly... let's think about what REALLY makes us happy... it may be different for all of us... but really dig deep and assess what makes you happy, and if you are not happy, what WILL make you happy? Is it the newest cell phone, iPod, TV, a new home, a better job, more vacation, more money, another child, more friends, less winter (lol.... that's it... less winter... totally... I think I found the answer tada!!), more power or control, retirement?? It very well could be, and if it is, I strongly advise you to get that iPod or car, because once you have it you will be happy. If that is the answer for you: do it, get it, make a plan, and be happy. Once you have those things that will make you happy, love them, and want no more, because you will have what you needed to be happy!! Right....???

If that won't make you truly happy.... then think about what will... stronger relationships, faith in a higher power, volunteering, changing your surroundings, positive thinking, what? What? What? What is it?
For me, I have tried striving for material things and once I have what I have longed for, I only want more. It doesn't satisfy me, even though I have tried to convince myself that once I have that certain product or thing, my life will be sooooo much better. What I am learning is that to be happy, I need to focus on bettering myself on the inside (while maintaining my outside, tehe), and working on surrounding myself with people that have the same priorities as me and that are excited to support me.
That's what has been working for me, and it has taken a lot of energy (do not fear, I used the renewable kind) to get to this point, but I am so much happier, because this is where I am able to thrive, see the best in others, and celebrate my talents as well.... like the milk commercial says: ALWAYS GROW, GROW ALL WAYS!!
Using less resources, respecting ourselves, respecting others (we have a program at my school called the CORR Values (cooperation with others, respect for yourself other and the environment, and responsibility for your actions: these values combined lead not only for a cohesive work environment, but for a cohesive and successful society!), and becoming conscious of our footprint on others and the environment is essential and often forgotten, especially in this society!

Statement of nondisclosure: This is my personal experience, shared with you. I believe that all of our experiences, good and bad, have lead us to where we are in our lives, and have shaped how we view the world. Please take these words for what they mean to you, and know that they are not intended to impose my values on you, but rather to provoke and cultivate critical thought, please do the same for me!! :P

Grow Green and Lean... but not Mean ;)

(image from
www.neverstopmilk.com/leavebehind - check it out for really great things to leave behind in your life and begin new!)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ignorance is NOT bliss!

Hey there! Welcome to spring!

So the theme of our lives recently seems to relate to the economic market in the U.S.A., which is seeping into the Canadian economy and the lives of millions by the minute. It's so difficult to be driven to be environmentally friendly and to put that extra cost, time, and energy into "being green." Sooo many people are losing their jobs and struggling more than ever before. Although we haven't truly been affected to the extent of those in the U.S.A., we have begun to see more and more of the effects of this crisis and recession in our lives daily! Our investments (monetary and not) have been struggling... and in this world uncertainty is bountiful. I believe that it is important to be aware of what's going on globally... contrary to popular belief, ignorance is NOT bliss, for that theory got us into the debt-ridden society that we are living in, and we seriously need to take a look at this and learn from it, or history WILL DEFINITELY repeat itself and lead us into more trouble, stress, and debt.

We need to assess how we exist in this world and learn from this. Green initiatives may seem trivial and insignificant in comparison to other issues we are facing, and that is completely understandable. What has made me feel better (helped me sleep at night) and given me the initiative to live my best life despite the market's downturn is to come together with you, our readers, and make these initiatives a priority. Doing my little part, (although I cannot fix everything that is going on,) is important in order for me to live my life feeling as though I have helped something, or someone, along the way. Recently, as I explore adulthood, I have become very conscious of the effect that my actions have on this planet and the people around me.

Our generation has come to expect an impractical and irresponsibly high standard of living at such a young age. What I see a lot of people forgetting, is that our parents worked incredibly hard to give us the life we have become accustomed to. To expect the standard of life that our parents and the generation before us are living in this stage of our lives is not only impractical, but also stressful! Let's think about this...

Material possessions have become so coveted in this society, that there is so much wastefulness and less appreciation for what we have. We, generation "x" (I think...), want what we don't have, and don't care for what we do have. I think this recession is teaching me to look at the the things in my life, material and not, and truly appreciate them for what they can do to help me be a better person, and live a better life (for myself and for those around me). Instead of wanting things we don't have (again, both material and not), why don't we spend this time thinking about what we have and using this to our advantage? That is my challenge to you this week.

Lots of love,

Image from "www.dontwasteyourlife.com"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

“Yaaaaaa let’s shop”… responsibly!

When we were looking at thing’s WE DON’T buy green etc. we mentioned Clothing... but upon closer look we realized we really are going "somewhat green" with clothing …. the fact is I (Heather) buy more than half of my clothes from thrift stores! I love the hunt! Ask any of my friends and family, they will vouch for me... and when I go to Value Village and the workers notice I was not in last week, well… you get the picture!

Clothing really is one of the only things I can think of that MOST people really don’t just throw away, they donate it to the salvation army or other charities where someone can re-use them. THIS IS GREAT!

I know, I know… some people don’t have the time or patience to go through all the thrift stores to find the hidden treasures, so here are some other "somewhat green" ways for clothing alteration, preservation and things to think about when we're going clothing shopping.

1. When buying your everyday, “never go out of style” clothing ex. Jeans, black t-shirts etc. buy clothing that is built to last. In many cases quality really does outweigh quantity… Ex.I have a pant problem… I have a LOT, but the ones that I realllly love are the ones I have had FOREVER that are indestructible, don’t fade, fit great etc. And last even LONGEr if you are washing them in green detergents!

2. Before you throw something away or send it to Sally Anne's (salvation army) think about if there is any way you can change it up, modernize it or otherwise revamp it. DIY chic is definitely in!

3. Learn to sew, or find a great tailor, even if you just know the basics being able to sew can save you a lot of money and waste.

4. Clothing parties are GREAT, there are many different types but the way I’ve done them in the past is gather a group of friends, plan to get together monthly, quarterly, seasonally, whatever… and hit your closet, take all your old “I’ll never wear this” clothes to the party and swap with your friends, it doesn’t have to be a permanent trade'zzy if you don’t want but you can update your wardrobe and get rid of unwanted clothing at the same time

5. Current street fashion trends can be oooh so fun and tempting, but it’s best to try and limit your throw away (one season) fashion purchases to a minimum. Here's a idea, when you walk into a store and you "WANT IT ALL"… think about what you have (at home) and what few new trendy pieces you can add to you wardrobe which will have some staying power for more then one season, but will still satisfy your clothing craving.

6. Many well known brands (Billabong, Patagonia, Gap etc.) are switching to the organic cotton’s or all natural linens etc., so when you see it, and if you need it, all the better.

7. If you can do it… buying locally made clothing is a bonus! The fact is almost allll of our clothing is made somewhere overseas, in you know what kind of shops, so when you see, made in Canada, JUMP ON THAT!

8. If that look just isn’t workin' for ya any more, or it doesn’t fit, as mentioned above, donate them!

So by shopping sensibly we are helping to conserve our planet's natural resources and reduce our energy and raw material consumption. YES!!!!

What are some of the things you do with clothing?

"No one said shopping is BAD"... tee hee hee, if we do it responsibly!

Heather and Chanel

Monday, March 2, 2009

Things we haven't changed... YET!!

First we'll start positive, bc. that's what we do best, positive!
Here are a couple more things we noticed we DON'T bring into the home...

Heather's rule of thumb - when reading labels, if you don't recognize over 1/2 of the ingredients, DON'T BUY IT.

Chanel's rule of thumb- we don't have bleached flour or sugar in our home... if you have it, you use it, and there are alternatives (honey, whole wheat, wheat germ, etc.).

Both of our guidelines - we don't buy anything that contains hydrogenated fat... common knowledge but essential! Really bad for you and it's going straight to the areas we all don't want to see it on... bum, tummy etc.

Top 5 non-priorities: These are things we have chosen, thus far, NOT go green or Organic in our homes.

1. Clothing: although we find it unbelievably important to be green, we have not made it a priority yet to purchase only natural fibers in our clothing (we find our budgets do not support this and we still have a little love for clothing and colour... although we are VERY $-savvy when making our purchases... we think that's what's keeping us from indulging in the naturally organic clothing world).
And I (Heather) am a frequent (weekly at some) at all the second hand clothing stores in Saskatoon, I love the hunt, and there is some GREAT stuff!

2. Storage: When it comes to things that we aren't eating out of or living in, we turn to plastic to keep our lives sane and organized.

3. Paint: We have both been doing home renovations, and they are bruuuutal on the environment!! We recently became aware of milk paint and other renovation alternatives, which we discuss another time, but too little too late, damage has already been done... and so are our wallets.

4. Light bulbs: We bought energy-saving light bulbs but are now considering carefully discarding them because of recent news of harmful radiation and mercury that they are made of... is it worth it? The jury's still out on this one...

5. Last but not least... we are typing on a laptop, cooking on gas powered stoves, watching tv at night, and driving gas-powered cars... these are luxuries we have not been able to shed... and may never... we'll see. We dooo turn off the lights, stoves, heat, and driving mileage when we can, and we're conscious of the impact these tools have on the environment.

What are some of your guilty pleasures????

Quick pick-me-up phrase: "Healthier lives, happier minds & bodies!"... say it over and over if you need to :)

Stay clean, go green...

Chanel and Heather

TOP Green Products....

Top 5 Green products we bring into our homes:

  1. Dish Soap and Laundry Detergent: These products are readily available at a great price in almost all local stores, including locally owned stores. Prices are awesome (at Costco the ECO laundry detergent is HALF the price of other detergents, and works like a charm!), and we make it a priority to purchase these products because of the mark that other detergents (laundry and dish) leave on our bodies (to be ingested or worn) and in the residual water system, which then leads to more harmful chemicals being needed to clean the water, and perpetuates this vicious cycle of chemical toxicity!
  2. Cleaning Products: Products such as these just became SUPER popular and available all over the market. Everywhere from Walmart to your local health food store carry them. Example of a reason why we use these: Swiffer products have been linked to numerous pet deaths because of the chemicals that are used to clean the floors in homes. Sprays, liquids, and other chemicals used to “clean” (get rid of bacteria in a flash) are also killing, whether we notice an immediate effect or not. The label poisonous is directly printed on their bottles. Think about it….
  3. Bananas: Because of where they are grown (Australia, Hawaii, etc), they are picked green and when they arrive to Canada, they are put in a gas chamber to ripen. Really?? Even though we don’t ingest the peel (well WE don’t…), these chemicals leach into the fruit and enter into our bodies. There are other Fruits and Veggies which receive the ripening gas, so do some research, where is it coming from, when was it picked, etc.
  4. Grapes, Peaches, Tomatoes, etc (fruits with really thin skin): All the pesticides used to grow and prevent insect invasion soak directly into the fruit because of the thin layer of skin… yummmm
  5. Meat: Hormone injected animals…. Do we need to say more?

This is our list for now, they are the products that we have made an conscious effort to keep green in our homes.

Note: Children, because they are in the process of growing, are much more susceptible to the chemicals in food and products.... Think about it, just think about it, that’s all we ask!

Test your edible products! Taste the difference between organic and non-organic foods.

Try this: 1. Buy a organic banana and a non-organic banana, eat the organic first then try the non-organic one... you decided!

2. Another one that literately makes your nose hairs stand on end is dried apricots. From the grocery store buy some non- organic dried apricots (the nice orange ones) and then from a health food store buy some organic dried apricots (brown, bc. there is no sulfur added to preserve the colour). Eat a couple of the organic apricots first, then crack the non-organic bag and just take a wiff, the sulfur smell is BRUTTALLLL, you will be blowwwwn away!

What are some of your priorities?

Lean Green Eating Machines,

Heather and Chanel

Hi Ho Hi Ho, it’s off to the grocers we go…

Ok, so we’ve looked into organic foods and products, and we’ve developed a list of our priorities when it comes to buying organic/natural products.

We would like to mention that YOU NEED TO BE IN CHARGE OF YOUR OWN PRIORITIES! We hold a strong belief that you need to prioritize for yourself. In a perfect world, we would all be eating locally grown, organic products. But because of our location (I don’t think anything can be grown in the winters that we have…. we are barely able to survive ourselves!) and the society in which we live, this is often difficult. Moral of the story: pick and choose for yourself, do your own research, and take responsibility for the stuff you put in your homes and your bodies.

We would appreciate more knowledge in our quest, so any info or insights that you may have are welcomed!

Eat Clean, Go Green,

Chanel and Heather