Friday, March 27, 2009


Holla to the Earth Hour (note: to be said or read with a Jamaican accent)

This weekend marks a very special event in our world! What an incredible initiative this is! We encourage you all to try to participate in this event, as it is a huuuuge step in creating awareness in our world for the environment. Doing this promotes thinking with our green brains rather than our polluted brains everyday... now that's something that you can't put a price on!

Join us, will ya (note: to be said or read with an Australian accent, as Earth hour originated down unda)??

Aloha (note: to be said or read with a Hawaiian accent (translation: hello and goodbye),

Chanel and Heather

1 comment:

  1. We are going to spend our one hour shooting hoops outside, or trying anyway!
