To continue from yesterday... lol are we ever digging deep into philosophical thought this week... dadadada... won't you join me? A little critical thought is good for the brain!
While on the topic of changing our thought patterns to live more responsibly... let's think about what REALLY makes us happy... it may be different for all of us... but really dig deep and assess what makes you happy, and if you are not happy, what WILL make you happy? Is it the newest cell phone, iPod, TV, a new home, a better job, more vacation, more money, another child, more friends, less winter (lol.... that's it... less winter... totally... I think I found the answer tada!!), more power or control, retirement?? It very well could be, and if it is, I strongly advise you to get that iPod or car, because once you have it you will be happy. If that is the answer for you: do it, get it, make a plan, and be happy. Once you have those things that will make you happy, love them, and want no more, because you will have what you needed to be happy!! Right....???
If that won't make you truly happy.... then think about what will... stronger relationships, faith in a higher power, volunteering, changing your surroundings, positive thinking, what? What? What? What is it?
For me, I have tried striving for material things and once I have what I have longed for, I only want more. It doesn't satisfy me, even though I have tried to convince myself that once I have that certain product or thing, my life will be sooooo much better. What I am learning is that to be happy, I need to focus on bettering myself on the inside (while maintaining my outside, tehe), and working on surrounding myself with people that have the same priorities as me and that are excited to support me.
That's what has been working for me, and it has taken a lot of energy (do not fear, I used the renewable kind) to get to this point, but I am so much happier, because this is where I am able to thrive, see the best in others, and celebrate my talents as well.... like the milk commercial says: ALWAYS GROW, GROW ALL WAYS!!
Using less resources, respecting ourselves, respecting others (we have a program at my school called the CORR Values (cooperation with others, respect for yourself other and the environment, and responsibility for your actions: these values combined lead not only for a cohesive work environment, but for a cohesive and successful society!), and becoming conscious of our footprint on others and the environment is essential and often forgotten, especially in this society!
Statement of nondisclosure: This is my personal experience, shared with you. I believe that all of our experiences, good and bad, have lead us to where we are in our lives, and have shaped how we view the world. Please take these words for what they mean to you, and know that they are not intended to impose my values on you, but rather to provoke and cultivate critical thought, please do the same for me!! :P
Grow Green and Lean... but not Mean ;)
(image from
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