Sunday, March 22, 2009


Speaking of spring cleaning... my house neeeeds it.... but that is not the most important part of my life that needs it! If I were to simply spend a few days faithfully cleaning and getting rid of the excessive junk in my house, I might feel better temporarily, but the junk will only come back and haunt me! First, we must look deeper and become acutely aware of the stuff in our lives, material or not, that can be set aside and let go. For instance, I have a wonderfully abundant amount of projects in my life at the moment. They are all projects that I am interested in and passionate about; however it is time that I begin to sift through them in order to find the deep purpose and satisfaction that life has to offer us all. My goal this week and this month is to dig deeper into myself and search for purpose, meaning, and clarification of why I am on this earth. Whether you are spiritually driven or not, this is something we all can do to make this world what it was meant to be: a world full of love.


All tooo true Chanel'y, you can dooo it!

As for myself, over the past few years I have been fulfilling myself with buying STUFF... I love to shop and still do, however I have realized that when I am feeling bad (like so many people) I go out shopping to fulfill my feelings... and when you get it all home, you don't really even want it!

Shopping fills you up temporary with good feelings, “Oh yaaaa, new red shoes,” (or whatever; cars, trips, clothing etc.) but then... two days later I'm out there shopping again!
So you can only imagine my home, it isn’t tooooo bad, but if I kept it up it would be… well, NOT pretty!

So over the past while I have been:

  1. Trying to reduce my load of unneeded STUFF that I have already accumulated!
  2. Reduce the amount of shopping I do. But I have also realized that I even just enjoy the ACT of shopping without the purchasing part. Tip: Fill your cart with stuff you love, then ditch it :) Wal-Mart Loves me I’m sure!
  1. Actually face the reason’s I’m feeling bad or whatever, and do something else about it!

These are just a few of our ways to reduce and “Spring Clean” in our lives, what are some ways that work for you, literally and/or figuratively?



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