OK, so after all this economic talk, although TRUE it can definitely be a little depressing, and add that to the -45 weather we are having today and well… UGGG…
But let’s think of some things that can HELP financially and mentally during these times and as most of them are about reducing, we are being green toooo. Yaaa!
Most of us have no problem in the area of spending money (myself included),! As a child my parents would probably say my allowance was already spent before I received it. This is still true for many of us: we know our wages and have pre-planned what we will be spending on pay day (a new TV, saving for a car, mortgage, utilities, etc).
Yes, many of those things are necessities and some are simply desires, however, if we think about them, we can probably find a better way to plan and save us some money in the long run. For one, we don’t want to be THROWING our money away (if you do, please call ME & I will help you get rid of your unwanted $$$ :)!!
The current economic crisis will eventually blow over someday, but until then there are ways in which we can be cost effective and let our piggy banks fill up a little to give us that extra cushion. We don’t know what is to come… market spiraling (MORE), higher gas prices, increased healthcare costs, etc.
OK, OK…. Sooo enough of the talk let’s get to the TIPS and TRICKS:
5 Ways to Save Money during Economic Crisis
1. When Possible, avoid your car
- Aside from the gas saving, you will be saving on the wear and tear of your car, saving costs on maintenance and possible repairs.
2. Cut entertainment expenses
3. Save on utilities
-When appliances are turned off but unplugged then they still drain electricity. Turn off things such as TV’s, computer screens, microwaves, mobile chargers etc while not in use. One great way to make it more convenient is to place some of the sources on a power bar and with one flick…. you’re savin’!
- Although we allll love LONG bath’s and showers, we are really wasting a lot of water, so one trick to save water and $$$ is while you are washing you hair, turn the taps off, then start’er up again when it’s time to rinse.
- Another thing I find myself doing is taking some water from the tap to drink but when I’m finished I toss the rest… uggg, so I either need to take LESS or use the water up, ie. water the plants, or drink it all :)
- Cable bills can be massive and we usually just cringe and pay, although if we really look at the bills to see what extra costs are there, we can often find some changes that can be made to suit our pockets better. Reduce your TV channels: if you don’t watch them, get rid of them! Do you use your whole $10 worth of long distance each month? Or is it worth it to pay per minute? …. Another way to reduce your bills is by going through one Server Company that you can have your TV, Internet, Phone & Cell all on one bill, there is usually a better rate (ie. Sasktel). But still look at the bill and asses what you can change…. bunldes save a bundle, lol, as the advertisements tell us!
- if you are so bold: cut your cable bill. You can watch complete TV shows and movies online, and get up to the minute news through the internet.
- Landline phones are also an unnecessary expense. Many people (including Chanel) just use their Cell phones. Cell phones are portable and allow you to be reached almost anywhere and always, ugggg, always! lol... well when we answer them... Chanel...
4. Be a smart food shopper
- Switch to no-name brands, or in store brands (generic)… they are often just the same but cost less (essspecially in the area of pharmaceuticals).
- Use coupons, I know, I know… no one wants to be the one who pulls out the wad of coupons… but hey, own it… it’s coooool to use coupons!
- Make a list, and plan your meals before you go shopping. This will help you to buy only what you neeed and not fill the cart with added junk and food that will be wasted.
- Plan to start bringing your lunch to work; you will save a ton of money.
5. Rent out a room - Not all people are comfortable with this but if you have a large home or a basement suit rent it out to someone. It will help pay the mortgage and bring in some extra cash. Make sure you educate yourself first on renting and do a proper credit reference and background check on possible tenants before renting the room.
These are just a few tips to get you going and hopefully you will begin to see a difference... feed that piggy bank!
Let us know if you notice a difference and what other tips you have for saving the green!
"Don't wash money down the drain!"... but remember, if you are, invite me over!
I agree. Reducing our consumption is in essence green! The less junk we fill our lives with, the less ends up in the landfill or air. Thanks for the money saving tips.
ReplyDeleteIf you do spend your money, don't buy products that have 'excessive' packaging, or when ordering take-out say no to Styrofoam.
I like the title! FEED THE PIG!
ReplyDeleteThat is soo true, have you ever seen that commercial for the "easy opener" for tough to get into packaging??... and it's IN tough to get into packaging, lol!
ReplyDeleteI understand companies want people to have it safe, and fresh and whatever, but come on... wayyyyy to much packaging on most things!
Make your own coffee in the morning - save 10 bucks per week
ReplyDeletePack your lunch - 20 bucks a week
Eat like your in college again(pasta!) 20-30 bucks
Taking what you saved to feed the pig....priceless. Feels good to give it to someone in need also priceless!
AWESOME comment Cate!! Thanks so much! What great insight into how much little things make a huuuuge difference!! Just by doing that, you save over 3000$ per year! That's a whole months wage, a mortgage payment, etc! Annnd helping those in need is such an important thing for us to make a priority in our lives. Thank you for your insight and support :)
ReplyDeleteAnother good tip is to eat leftovers, and create new food dishes with what you have in your fridge. If you bought it, eat it before it goes bad and needs to be thrown out (or composted). It seems like common sense but even I find myself throwing away what 2 days ago may have been perfectly eatable food. You can save a lot that way. I love all these tricks Heather. Good job.