Thursday, March 5, 2009

“Yaaaaaa let’s shop”… responsibly!

When we were looking at thing’s WE DON’T buy green etc. we mentioned Clothing... but upon closer look we realized we really are going "somewhat green" with clothing …. the fact is I (Heather) buy more than half of my clothes from thrift stores! I love the hunt! Ask any of my friends and family, they will vouch for me... and when I go to Value Village and the workers notice I was not in last week, well… you get the picture!

Clothing really is one of the only things I can think of that MOST people really don’t just throw away, they donate it to the salvation army or other charities where someone can re-use them. THIS IS GREAT!

I know, I know… some people don’t have the time or patience to go through all the thrift stores to find the hidden treasures, so here are some other "somewhat green" ways for clothing alteration, preservation and things to think about when we're going clothing shopping.

1. When buying your everyday, “never go out of style” clothing ex. Jeans, black t-shirts etc. buy clothing that is built to last. In many cases quality really does outweigh quantity… Ex.I have a pant problem… I have a LOT, but the ones that I realllly love are the ones I have had FOREVER that are indestructible, don’t fade, fit great etc. And last even LONGEr if you are washing them in green detergents!

2. Before you throw something away or send it to Sally Anne's (salvation army) think about if there is any way you can change it up, modernize it or otherwise revamp it. DIY chic is definitely in!

3. Learn to sew, or find a great tailor, even if you just know the basics being able to sew can save you a lot of money and waste.

4. Clothing parties are GREAT, there are many different types but the way I’ve done them in the past is gather a group of friends, plan to get together monthly, quarterly, seasonally, whatever… and hit your closet, take all your old “I’ll never wear this” clothes to the party and swap with your friends, it doesn’t have to be a permanent trade'zzy if you don’t want but you can update your wardrobe and get rid of unwanted clothing at the same time

5. Current street fashion trends can be oooh so fun and tempting, but it’s best to try and limit your throw away (one season) fashion purchases to a minimum. Here's a idea, when you walk into a store and you "WANT IT ALL"… think about what you have (at home) and what few new trendy pieces you can add to you wardrobe which will have some staying power for more then one season, but will still satisfy your clothing craving.

6. Many well known brands (Billabong, Patagonia, Gap etc.) are switching to the organic cotton’s or all natural linens etc., so when you see it, and if you need it, all the better.

7. If you can do it… buying locally made clothing is a bonus! The fact is almost allll of our clothing is made somewhere overseas, in you know what kind of shops, so when you see, made in Canada, JUMP ON THAT!

8. If that look just isn’t workin' for ya any more, or it doesn’t fit, as mentioned above, donate them!

So by shopping sensibly we are helping to conserve our planet's natural resources and reduce our energy and raw material consumption. YES!!!!

What are some of the things you do with clothing?

"No one said shopping is BAD"... tee hee hee, if we do it responsibly!

Heather and Chanel


  1. That's awesome Heather! Love your blog, and will look forward to checking it out for updates! I send all the clothes from my kids over to my sister's houses for my nieces and nephews. Any clothes we are done with and nobody wants, we take them to a thrift shop. We NEVER throw them out! Dena

  2. Heather~
    some very good tips:)
    You could give classes on style and how to shop @ thrift stores!!!!
    from someone who knows;)
